Which of these need to be updated?
Is this the official policy? (I don't see a list of official certifications after the poster's name). If so, what is the proper course of action if we don't receive a response? And when should we expect the response by?
Patrick (playing for a few years but still trying to figure out how things work)
Please be aware that the new deadline for writeups is Sunday at
midnight 7 days after an event. If your writeup is recieved after this
deadline you will not receive a response before the next event. (E-mail auto response).
Please note that the two-week rule will always apply. All submissions must be received no later than two-weeks prior to the next event. If they are received later than this you may not receive a response until after the event.
(Policy at viewtopic.php?f=58&t=16093 )
Which of these need to be updated?
Every IBGA is supposed to receive a response, even if the response is just "Noted" or "Response will arrive in-game".
( post at viewtopic.php?f=58&t=16253 )
Is this the official policy? (I don't see a list of official certifications after the poster's name). If so, what is the proper course of action if we don't receive a response? And when should we expect the response by?
Patrick (playing for a few years but still trying to figure out how things work)