Plot submissions?


Please be aware that the new deadline for writeups is Sunday at
midnight 7 days after an event. If your writeup is recieved after this
deadline you will not receive a response before the next event. (E-mail auto response).

Please note that the two-week rule will always apply. All submissions must be received no later than two-weeks prior to the next event. If they are received later than this you may not receive a response until after the event.
(Policy at viewtopic.php?f=58&t=16093 )

Which of these need to be updated?

Every IBGA is supposed to receive a response, even if the response is just "Noted" or "Response will arrive in-game".
( post at viewtopic.php?f=58&t=16253 )

Is this the official policy? (I don't see a list of official certifications after the poster's name). If so, what is the proper course of action if we don't receive a response? And when should we expect the response by?

Patrick (playing for a few years but still trying to figure out how things work)
Speaking as a player the of team has been awesome with responses. They have asked for igba to be in the Sunday after the event. Which in most cases is two weeks before each event.
Hey, Patrick. Thanks for voicing some important concerns.

Officially, as of 2013, our policy is such that the deadline for submitting your in-between game actions is the Sunday after the event, one week later. If you do not make the deadline, you may send it anyway, but we do not guarantee a response before the next event. And don't forget, the address for HQ plot is!

As for receiving responses, you should quickly receive an automated "Your message has been received" response; if you do not, then you may have e-mailed the wrong address. After that, you should receive an additional response from plot staff before the next event, whether it's an in-depth written reply, "Response will be in-game," or simply "Noted."

If you have submitted IBGAs and not received any responses at all, that's a problem. I welcome you to PM me about this so I can work with you to see that you get your proper plot responses.
Thanks for clearing that up Donna.

But don't forget to get the policy fixed here viewtopic.php?f=58&t=16093

Fortunately my IBGA doesn't need a response before the May event (since I won't be there), but instead by the June event.
