Plot Submittions aka IBGAs (Be Sure to Read!)


Going forward for IBGAs and any plot related question you MUST send it to, if you send it to the wrong address, we'll do out best to send an e-mail back saying "Wrong address, send it to plot" but anything plot related sent anywhere BUT the plot address will NOT be responded to or submitted to plot.

We are doing this to help foster better organization within our plot team, as our game grows its extremely important to make sure everyone on the team is up to date and thus we want to make sure everyone on plot sees it to help ensure it doesn't get missed.

So remember folks, you can talk to us about plot face to face (we love doing so), but unless you send an e-mail to plot@mnalliance, you will NOT be getting a plot response.

If you currently have an IBGA You've been waiting on, send us a reminder to the plot address (preferably with any answer you've already recieved)

Remember this address is only for plot requests for you character, not module ideas etc. those should still go to

Thanks folks!

Re: Plot Submittions (Be Sure to Read!)

So you are saying we should resubmit our most recent IBGA, or just start doing this from now on?
Re: Plot Submittions (Be Sure to Read!)

You should fix the email address in the "Official IBGA Policy" sticky thread. (That's where I went)
Re: Plot Submittions (Be Sure to Read!)

Good point, I've updated it, and up until this point that was the place to go, but we added a new address to help the plot team be better organized.
Re: Plot Submittions (Be Sure to Read!)

Your imaginary word "submittions" is driving me crazy >_<