Polearm Safety


So I built my first polearm. I used a bamboo pole as the core, foam and duct tape. I followed the alliance rules. I am worried that it may have a little too much heft to it. I may just be paranoid but I have no frame of reference for the weight. I only use an ultralight long sword. I expected the polearm to be heavier but I am just not sure what is too heavy.

So I guess I have two questions:

1. How does one safely fight with a heavier weapon (tips)?

2. How much should a standard full length polearm weigh? I don't have a scale that will work with the weapon so I am not sure how much it weighs.

Here are photos (it's 6ft):


*Edited to clarify
I would check with your local chapter, as last I knew bamboo was not an acceptable alternative core material precisely because of the weight and splintering issues.
I have played in chapters that have allowed bamboo. The thing they usually request though is that you tape the bamboo lengthwise with a layer of duct tape before securing it in the pipe foam. That helps to cut down on the free splinters. But it is up to your local chapter.

When I purposefully broke a staff that was made with bamboo, it required a great deal of tearing before I saw any wood.
The only reason bamboo is okay to use of any woody product is because instead of splintering it tends to shred into thousands of tiny fibers and even then, the two halves tend to stay connected. Still, it is chapter by chapter but I know WC chapters have allowed bamboo for years with no problems ever.

As for weight, it's just like any other weapon issue. Control. Heavier is easier with two hands because you can control the stop point of the weapon better. Practice on a pell or dummy bag (a duffel full of linens will work spiffy) and learn to find the contact point and pull your swings so they don't hit hard, you'll be fine!
Bamboo is used in my chapter. The bamboo pole was lighter than the alternatives that I could afford/were legal. Plus there was some whip with the others and none with the bamboo.
At first glance, it looks good. Bamboo is legal for polearms (though discouraged, and especially for donations (we may not accept bamboo donations)) in Seattle, and my bamboo polearm has always passed in Oregon (though I haven't brought it to game in a while). I can show you a couple of neat tricks for fighting with a polearm if you want at the next game (or potentially fighter's practice if I make one).
Maxondaerth said:
with no problems ever.
Steve Sheridan once thrust a bamboo two hander into my groin and snapped it in half.
(Though really, if it had been kitespar, it wouldn't have had enough give, and wouldn't have snapped, which would have made the situation that much worse. Really, the breaking of one shaft saved another.)
Last bamboo polearm I built probably weighs in at around the 1-2 pound range over all. That's not terribly heavy for something you're supposed to be using with two hands. It's become a bit of a favorite when it comes time to use a 2-hander in my chapter amongst the NPCs.

I have found that, when thrusting with a pole arm, if you leave it a little room in the grip to slide through your hands and pull your blow before you drive it into them, it'll generally shoot forward a little bit and generate a nice light poke; very similar to the way people tend to thrust with spears when not aiming for the toe.
From an NPC standpoint, gained by fighting people with polearms, watch the groin and face. I've found that people have a tendency to thrust downward, or crouch down and thrust upward.