Post event survey Oct 12-14 2012


Here is the Post Event Survey for Oct! You can email me at with your responses to the questions. You will receive 40 Goblin Stamps for submitting the survey!

1. Which PC stayed in character and kept things "In-Game" throughout the entire event?

2. Who had the best costuming?

3. What was the one thing that could use improvement from this event and how?

4. What was your favorite role-play moment of the event?

5. What did you enjoy most about the event? Why?
I'm submitting mine publicly.

1. Doug's really good at this and he deserves props for it. Even if he sits in the tavern all weekend :P

2. I think once Vicki had her make up on, her costume was one of the best. Very blue. It seemed thought out.

3. I think I fucked up on the job board stuff. We didn't have the board and so I gave the mods to players thinking they'd get past out and everyone would have something to do. It didn't really turn into that. Next event will be in the regular flow, and we'll be back in Dragonsreach so thing should be more comfortable.

4. Joe had a very subtle moment where he said, "This is what your magic does" and stormed off. I felt it really drove home Joe's character but, it was very minor. Still things like that make me smile. Chad and Travis did a really good job on the first part of the Troll Mod. Chad's focusing on the hat as that Kobold was funny. It was a good dip between seriousness and comedy.

5. I had fun playing the kobolds during the troll fight (even if there were some frustrating points in that battle). I used to do sneaky stuff as Link all the time but, not pcing for years I haven't gotten to do that. It's refreshing to know I still kind of have it. I also enjoyed my interaction on the trail with Jim, Joe, and John. It's nice to not have pcs just jump at npcs and fight them. That turned into a neat RP situation.
I'll do mine publicly too because the props are well deserved.

1) I also gotta hand props to Doug for how awesomely IG he stays all weekend. Also mad props to Joe as his new Biata and Aurik (I'm sorry dude I forgot your OOG name) for the same, loved playing with you both.

2) New players deserve a huge nod of approval for showing up looking stylish and pretty much all IG. Its great to see some effort go into it and it helps people stay IG to not see anyone sporting jeans or obvious anachronisms.

3) Aside from the rain all weekend (it was relentless) which you guys made the best of in a BIG way, It was a bit hard to catch up on stuff and understand the happenings for someone having been away so long I felt a bit confused but eventually caught the train to some degree of plot understanding through diligent explanations from PCs and a few NPCs. Friday was solid once we got going but Saturday felt a bit disjointed. I think that's more an effect of contenting with the site, rain, and freezer temps than anything else.

4) All the RP silliness with Naomi as TC and Brigit as Sloan. Both of you ladies have patience and Naomi's Hallucinate is above and beyond just "RPing the effect" it created RP Also, and I told him this at game during a plot hold, Stevie as Nigel... dear god I'd pay money just to listen to that "Gnome" talk you were hilarious all weekend.

5) Holy visuals troll daddy! Wanna immerse your PCs in a fight? Make em fight a 10 ft tall Travis in bucket stilts and foam took me a while to even figure out who was in there and I was honestly scared when Nigel told me to abandon the idea of "awakening" him and switch to combat spells. I loved that monster so much I wanna make one now... can I have the recipe?

Thanks for having us, hopefully it will not be another 2 yrs before work/time/money contrive to allow for another visit.
I'm in for the review:

1. Which PC stayed in character and kept things "In-Game" throughout the entire event?

I'm going with Joe's new biata character. I could see doubt on his face at times trying to figure his new guy out yet I saw him plow through it going louder rather than more introspective. I think that is very much the way to do it.

2. Who had the best costuming?

I'm going with Vicki the blue.

3. What was the one thing that could use improvement from this event and how?

The Thrast (the evil piranha fish) double hook mod. I was prepping the double hook when I got seven people that were already taking off to do their mod... which turned into what was almost literately 'everyone else' when they made it down to the cabin. Because of the time (both getting the double hook going against the weather and the actual IG time reasons) I rushed it and didn't make the adjustments needed for a sudden challenge boost like doubling up the badguys. It made any small thing that was confusing into a lot of confusing things for the players actually playing the Thrast. I won't leave something like that to chance again nor will I be afraid to make people wait just a little bit longer so that everyone has a good time.

4. What was your favorite role-play moment of the event?

Pretty much everyone dealing with me as the prop-that-could-talk-in-incoherent-symbolism using a kobald of all things to translate.

5. What did you enjoy most about the event? Why?

I got to try out a new way to operate a costuming/propmonster mesh and I learned a great deal doing it.

More so I got to see how the rain, as crappy as it was, just turns us all into players. When everyone in the room looks outside, staff, npcs, players, plot, all of us and sighs wanting to do more it's just awesome to see the lines blurred between us. We were all just players trying to do whatever we could to get a good time out of our Saturday. Thanks again for having our backs guys. :)