Citizens of Wayside,
3 Weeks ago a plot was discovered to destroy Arbor from below. This direct attack upon Wayside was orchestrated by Duke Basil Monteque of Tympany. Fortunately, his plan never came to be, and Arbor remained peaceful. Due to overwhelming evidence, Basil Monteque is hereby stripped of his title, and sentenced to life in prison by the Ducal Council.
It was thanks to High Magistrate Amy Hale, Royal Knight of Wayside that this threat was prevented and countless lives were saved. High Magistrate Hale made it quite clear that the entire operation could not have been prevented if not for The Adventurers of Westhaven.
Time and time again conflicts have been prevented, and lives saved by your actions for these lands, and I am not one to shy away from giving credit where credit is due. The people of Wayside have stood together through more conflicts in the last 315 years than anyone should witness; some have even witnessed each of these events first hand.
In regards to the Leadership of Tympany, it is a pleasure to appoint Baron Kalec Grovewarden as the new Duke of Tympany, may he continue to serve his station well.
Whether it be times of war or times of peace, Wayside is our home. Wayside is where we raise our kids. Wayside is where we bleed and die. Never forget that. My goal is to unite Wayside. Together we can make this world a better place. A safer place. Nobles, adventures, merchants, farmers, everyone, we must work together to achieve this. We must help our fellow man. We must rise above our past and look to a glorious future. Put aside our hate and look toward peace.
Together we are strong.
Together we will strive
Together we are WAYSIDE.
His Royal Majesty King Kaarl Grimlock of Wayside
by Royal Scribe
Harlae Jackayn
3 Weeks ago a plot was discovered to destroy Arbor from below. This direct attack upon Wayside was orchestrated by Duke Basil Monteque of Tympany. Fortunately, his plan never came to be, and Arbor remained peaceful. Due to overwhelming evidence, Basil Monteque is hereby stripped of his title, and sentenced to life in prison by the Ducal Council.
It was thanks to High Magistrate Amy Hale, Royal Knight of Wayside that this threat was prevented and countless lives were saved. High Magistrate Hale made it quite clear that the entire operation could not have been prevented if not for The Adventurers of Westhaven.
Time and time again conflicts have been prevented, and lives saved by your actions for these lands, and I am not one to shy away from giving credit where credit is due. The people of Wayside have stood together through more conflicts in the last 315 years than anyone should witness; some have even witnessed each of these events first hand.
In regards to the Leadership of Tympany, it is a pleasure to appoint Baron Kalec Grovewarden as the new Duke of Tympany, may he continue to serve his station well.
Whether it be times of war or times of peace, Wayside is our home. Wayside is where we raise our kids. Wayside is where we bleed and die. Never forget that. My goal is to unite Wayside. Together we can make this world a better place. A safer place. Nobles, adventures, merchants, farmers, everyone, we must work together to achieve this. We must help our fellow man. We must rise above our past and look to a glorious future. Put aside our hate and look toward peace.
Together we are strong.
Together we will strive
Together we are WAYSIDE.
His Royal Majesty King Kaarl Grimlock of Wayside
by Royal Scribe
Harlae Jackayn