Joyous Celebrations and Festivities to All!!!
This Spring is a joyous one as recovery from Bliss is well underway, our armies fight under the banner of freedom, and spring gives way to marriages and new birth. I write this message a few days late as I far too heavily imbibed in the celebratory wine of one such event. I write on behalf of Duchess Fairfax and His Majesty to inform all of a most joyous proceeding.
On May 5th 317 a union of two servants of the Crown took place.
Duchess Neheris Fairfax and Sir Foss Siril were wed by Crown Prince Siegfried Grimlock before the eyes of much of the Kingdom in Arbor’s Great Hall.
Her Grace was seconded by Duchess Claire Cybil and Princess Vivian Grimlock.
Sir Siril was seconded by Maxwell Maximus Maldavia Moore and Tadron of House of Games.
Let any who call into question this union dual one of the seconds or their champions unto death.
This is incredibly romantic and I just want all to focus upon love, upon their loved ones, and their hopes and dreams for the future while the newly minted couple does the same. Let their first days of marriage be happy and fruitful as they honeymoon and then settle into routine.
Let it be known that the house of Siril is no more as it is fully dissolved and absorbed by a noble bloodline. Also let it be known that for as long as the marriage remains intact and Her Grace so allows that Foss Fairfax for all purposes be considered a Baron. If they procreate and Her Grace was to pass the veil let it be known he will become Duke Regent reigning in the stead of the Child. Due to the fact he has chosen to continue his calling as a Knight of the Realm and that he at this time has not been granted any boon of land and thus no feudal domain; he is in most purposes to be considered and referred to as Sir Fairfax. However, for formal state matters the term Your Excellency or Baron is appropriate.
May many many little Fairfaxes soon fill the Duchy of Buckland!!!
Royal Scribe of Love
Harlae Jackayn