Posted in the tavern and at various places throughout to


To the peoples of Landsfall,

I have been given the honor and responsibility of taking over the Trumpet's Call, our newspaper. It is my desire to provide honest and fair-minded reporting of events that occur that affect us all. To that end, I ask that if you think you have some information that might make a good addition to the paper, to please contact me to share said information.

Nothing will be printed as fact unless it can be verified as completely as possible.

To that end, I am seeking information as regards the disappearances of the ants, as well as information regarding the unusual bounty that we seem to be experiencing.

As the previous edition of the Trumpet's Call had a section for advertisements, I will be willing to negotiate space within the paper for individuals who wish to either advertise or are seeking goods and services.

I hope that I am able to provide this service to Landsfall in a manner that is unbiased and based in complete honesty.

Thank you.