Posted on the tavern wall: Until Further Notice


<The previous posting has been taken down, and a new one put up in its place. On an OOG note: If you want a copy of the old one for whatever reason, PM me and I'll be happy to provide it!>

Ladies and gentlemen,

After giving the matter a great deal of thought, and after some very good conversations with some people, I'd like to say the following:

If I'm being honest, I have no desire to kill anyone, nor am I looking for reasons to do so. I will kill when necessary, but this...isn't one of those times. Besides, there are fates far worse than death. I'm rescinding my previous note and instead would like everyone to consider the following, regardless of who you are or where you come from:

We adventurers are an impulsive group. We like to charge head-long into things without always thinking about the consequences; we tend to get in the way of dragons, Fae, and vampire griffins, if it serves a particular cause or purpose that we feel strongly about. And, in my case, I put myself between all of you and a small village we know nothing about, full of people who have no real means to defend themselves against, well, most anything. I initial response was to protect them, though my method of doing so was a mistake. I made a mistake, and I ask the indulgence of those reading this; we've all made mistakes, I'm learning all the time that things are different here.

With that in mind, it would do all of us well to remember that we are guests here in Tarndale. A few of us were specifically asked to keep on eye on anyone who came through the portal, whether they be from Andar, Shalduk, or parts unknown, as the locals are ill-equipped to deal with what passes through it.

It is our duty to protect the people of Tarndale - from themselves and from us. We know nothing of this land, we know little of their customs...and to be completely straight-forward, we came here and put up wards and cast circles without even asking if it was okay. I am at fault just as much as most of you (there were exceptions, of course, but not nearly enough). We gave no thought to our hosts and what they might want or expect from us -- their guests. I'm disappointed. Most of us traveled here with not only our belongings, but a great deal of presumption.

Some mistakes are hard to undo -- circles are not easy things to take down. Others are nearly impossible to undo -- teaching someone just enough so that they don't poke themselves with the wrong end of a dagger, only to watch them head into battle and be slaughtered; or teaching First Aid to a friendly merchant, only to see him get cut down on the field because he thought he could help one of his new friends.

As for the teaching, the Elders of Tarndale have indeed asked that we hold off on doing so, until they say otherwise, and I strongly urge everyone to adhere to that request. We don't know enough about this land or the locals to even know if doing so is a good idea. Things here are not as obvious and as straight-forward as they might seem, and caution is definitely warranted. I am sure there will be more talk about this in the future, just try to keep things in perspective. It won't hurt them to wait a few months to learn what we can teach them, but it could kill them to learn what we know. It also gives us time to learn of and from them.

Our actions, here especially, can have far-reaching and unknowable consequences; it can take time to see the err of one's ways.

Speaking of which, for general information purposes:
I'd like to ask that if people want to continue to put up wards, that they at the very least put them up so that they are not visible from the outside. Not only will this be less rude, but it could also serve as a safety measure -- there is a distinct possibility that such things could attract trouble -- the kind we saw Saturday evening the weekend of our arrival. They can cast rituals -- specifically destroy magic -- without the need of a circle, similar to how a dragon manipulates ritual magic (though not exactly; contact me for details).

In Service,
Sir Avaran
Knight of Andar
[Posted below Avaran's posting, scrunched on a small piece of paper]

To Tarndalians, Andarians, and others,

I have not been able to speak with as many of you in the past few days as I would have liked, and for that I apologize. You know I am loath to make decisions without first speaking with all those it would affect.

Several things have occurred recently which have changed much for us. Our new visitors from across the portal have brought with them exciting new opportunities and assistance. The young Mercator and younger O'Plain have experienced that first-hand. But they also bring with them danger. Shortly after they arrived, at least 3 magical barriers were erected, and as far as I know, none of us were present or informed of what that might entail. Many of us have been feeling less safe at night, and I would like to halt this draxian stampede of new things before it destroys the cohesion of our town.

This is not to say that we can't help each other or learn from each other, just that we need to seriously consider the consequences before jumping into something we do not understand. And some knowledge is better left unknown, something we have been reminded of many times in our town's history. I'm not asking that we stop talking with each other, just that we don't rush blindly into making changes that upset the balance of the town. In particular, this includes wielding the magic they bring, until we know more about it.

That having been said, resurrection powers or no, I still do not condone killing each other as a method of resolving disagreements. Whatever conflict we may have, we are still a community together, and we have enough to worry about without turning to violence.

However, as far as Andarian Law, I will not actively attempt to prevent Andarians from using their own methods to ensure balance within themselves.

As always, please speak with me if you have any concerns.

~ Elder Osmond
<The original posting has been taken down, and a new one put up in its place. On an OOG note: If you want a copy of the old one for whatever reason, PM me and I'll be happy to provide it!>
[Posted on top of the previous posting, on a similarly-sized piece of paper]

To all friendly individuals residing in or around Tarndale,

For the past two months, we have all undergone a massive change in perspective, and in some cases a change in how we live our daily lives. While on the whole we have maintained peace, many of us feel like we have concerns that have not been adequately addressed. To that end, I would like to announce the following:

Town Meeting
on the Second Saturday of the year
at the Meeting hall

Anybody with a topic of importance to the town may bring it up here, and all are invited. Among the topics we will discuss are: the consequences of magic, the value of money, increased danger at night, and food supply. If you have a topic you would like addressed, feel free to bring it up at the meeting. If you would prefer not to broach the topic yourself, feel free to bring it to me prior to the meeting, and I would be happy to bring it up on your behalf. This is intended to be an open forum for discussion on matters that affect all of us, and it's important to have everyone's input to the extent that we can.

I look forward to seeing you there.

~ Elder Osmond