Potion tasting and where do babies come from...


Okay so to be less goofy my real questions are:
1. What do potions taste like? I guess I am just curious.
2. When two races interbreed what is the result? Are some races unable to mate with others?
evi1r0n said:
Okay so to be less goofy my real questions are:
1. What do potions taste like? I guess I am just curious.

evi1r0n said:
2. When two races interbreed what is the result? Are some races unable to mate with others?
Basically, nothing. It would appear that interbreeding is for RP only (unless you're a Gryphon making whoopee with a Stone Elf, then you give birth to a whole new race).

To quote the rule book:
"There is no such thing as a true “half” race.
If your character history has your father as an
elf and your mother as a gypsy, that is fine, but
you can only take the attributes of one of those
races...You must then take all
the advantages, disadvantages and physical
characteristics of that single race and none of
the unique characteristics of the other."
evi1r0n said:
Okay so to be less goofy my real questions are:
1. What do potions taste like? I guess I am just curious.
Gnoll babies roasted in a lemon-chiffon butter sauce with sauteed red chard and chili-flake potato crisps.
2. When two races interbreed what is the result?
A lot of funny looks from the soon-to-be grandparents, usually followed by a period of bloating and water retention.
Are some races unable to mate with others?

Ever-opinionated, rarely-helpful,

JP ;)
I believe that in the rulebook, it says that you can can be a child of two different races however you have to choose one of the two races for your character. If you have a gypsy as a father and an elf as a mother, you'd have to be 100% gypsy or 100% elf - there's no half races.
evi1r0n said:
Okay so to be less goofy my real questions are:
1. What do potions taste like? I guess I am just curious.

Sort of a matter of roleplay opinion. There's no guide to how certain things taste, but you can roleplay it off as you see appropriate (i.e., paste of stickiness might taste very thick and gummy whereas oil of slipperiness might be the equivalent to licking some PAM ;)).

2. When two races interbreed what is the result? Are some races unable to mate with others?

You can make half-breed characters, but you must choose the racials and racial requirements of one race. For example: I have a character that has a hobling father and a gypsy mother. Her race on my character card and the racial requirements I follow is hobling -- so I have to wear the sideburns and have racial dodge, resist poison, etc. However, in roleplay, she still has a lot of qualities a gypsy character might have.

Before you decide to make a half-breed character, be sure to consult your plot team. There are some races that might not interbreed as a result of their histories in a chapter. If you want to have a barbarian father and a mystic wood elf mother and those two races have a history of war and hatred in your chapter, you might have a pretty hard time justifying it in your character history or in game.

Yup, what they said. I had a half-bred character most people didn't realize was such until they RP'd with me a while and got the story out, but he was a half elf, half elf half barbarian raised in an elven enclave. He was a celestial mage, but in deference to his father's tribe and to the way he was taught magic, was a pure elementalist. Also, had the elf makeup and the half build for archery, but never purchased any of the resists to symbolize my weakened elven blood (my choice, but plot liked that bit). It can be a lot of fun, just remember that it very specifically states no character can have **** as a part of their background, so no half troll dwarf children as a result of a raid on your families village yada yada yada.
My primary Mystic Wood Elf is married to a Gypsy, and (offstage) she had twins (good luck among Mystic Wood Elves cause of our low fecundity ... low fecundity HAS to be true, otherwise we would be up to our eyeballs with Mystic Wood Elves) and the boy is a Mystic Wood Elf and the girl is a Gypsy. Why? Because that's the way I chose to have it and it doesn't effect plot -- just roleplay - since the characters never appear "on stage".

My primary character's potions taste like bacon - or chocolate - or fine whiskey (spelled "O-U-W-S-K-I") -- if you pay me to add the flavoring. Otherwise it tastes like wood ashes, dog poo, and lye soap mixed together in equal proportions. But it can save your life, so who cares what it tastes like. You can always go to the tavern, after the battle, to wash the horrible after taste out of your mouth. (The preceding portion of this paragraph brought to you by Mr. Sarcasm and Mrs. Satirical.)