Potion Workshop?


People of Hope's Reach-

Me Cho Ko Nu, Apprentice Trader in Trader's Guild of Roskaria. Me move from me home in Roskaria to make new home in Hope's Reach. Me main trade is potion making, and me skill be almost halfway between a journeyman's skill and a master's skill.

For help Adventurers and town be safe for all, me need make many, many potions. But for make many, many potions, me need use workshop.

Me hear there be Earth Guild in Hopes Reach and others who also make potion. If any have workshop, me ask for rent it next two market days (in three weeks) while me earn coin for purchase me own workshop. Me also accept donations of coin for future purchase of potion workshop from any who feel be good use of coin.

Please contact me, either public or private, in the next two weeks. Me want to spend day before Adventurers gather for use workshop [OOG: Use the potion workshop for Friday night and Saturday Logistics]. Can find me in tavern (me go there a lot for meet people) or leave message for me there and me pick it up next time me there.

Remember: Favor for me now get favor from me later...

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in the Trader's Guild of Roskaria
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Gorka think we need more potion makers for me to buy Cure light wounds and others cures from. If you weren't around and traveling like you do would you allow someone else to use it? Can an Alcestis and Potion maker use the same kind of work shop? Gorka would probably contribute if it help Gorka buy Cure Light wounds. And then Gorka's box buy your first full batch of cure lights.

- Gorka

Me travel a lot in past, but now me making a home in Hope's Reach and me expect be here for while. But if for some reason me no at market day, yes, me can make good trade for let someone rent workshop, just like me want do now with someone else's workshop for next market day.

Alchemy and Potion be different and use different workshops.

If want discuss good trade after me get workshop, we talk business later. Me focus be getting workshop now- me no take orders yet until can know how many potion per batch and make price base on that.

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in the Trader's Guild of Roskaria
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Are there any other potion makers in the Hope's Reach area? I just know the alchemists; Novi, D'rezz, Davion, and Talic.

Pandora is a potion maker I think though I don't know how skilled. I know Jemina can muster one cure light a day in potions.

I remember buying Cure Lights from McGreggor but I don't remember what flavor they were or if he made them himself, plus he isn't around much anymore now is he.

I guess if my recollections are correct you are our only source of curatives over a light nature since I have never seen an alchemical curative larger than that.

Gorka make decision, Gorka will pay a perportion from out of her box, not all cus I need to still replenish Cure Lights from last market day, Wayside was less than productive. And little brother Gandian will pay another proportion.

So 3 gold from Gorka, 3 Gold from Gandian.

Then Gorka will ask Davion for helping too cus he nice and let me borrow his belt... even if he can't tell what gender I am.

- Gorka
Oh wait Fern Woods also Alchemist, Gorka forgot him cus I haven't seen him since the market day where Gorka's family all was killed.

- Gorka
Goodman Gorka,
Your gender is quite clear to me. What is unclear to me is if there are any female orcs anywhere or the reproduction of orcs as it were.

You'll also be happy to know that I've been able to muster 35 cure light elixirs since last market day, and have plans to muster 20-40 more before the next market day.

Hunter Davion
Davion you Give Cho Ko Nu 3 gold for his work shop ok? and Gorka buy your elixirs. If Cho Ko Nu also making Cure lights for me more then Potions and Alchemist makers can devote more time for making bigger fixing things, like Enslavement Antidotes and Purify. Its Good for us so do it ok?

Also Davion you are a smelly dense Elf.

- Gorka

I am a potion maker though I can only make 5 cure light potions a day at base cost without my workshop. I can obviously make more at a higher cost. I had offered Gandion to purchase some when he visited Wayside but he purchased some from someone else. I have a workshop in Wayside so that is the best place for me to produce them. Currently there is a lot of problems I need to take care of in Wayside so I won't be traveling far for some time. Anyone traveling to Wayside can come to me should they need any potions. If anything larger than a cure light is wanted, it would be easier if they would let me know in advance before visiting.

With hope,

To clear up any confusion: You did offer to make some potions for me, but Enan flat out told me that you were making HIM potions, not me, so that's why I found someone else.


Sorry about not getting things from Pandora. Enan was insistent. But I had a thought: Maybe you should learn how to make potions, even just a rudimentary amount. Just something to think about.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft

(Edited for grammatical mistake.)
No Gorka not gonna learn all that stuff. Too boring. Gorka working really hard studying her Earth Spells so I can become a Journeyman in the earth Guild. Gorka promised Kovu. Gorka has test soon. And why when so many friends can do such a good job at it? Gorka willing to buy so I can give them to people so people don't die.

Pandora sorry about stupid little brother, if you see him with my box he has funds or materials to trade donated and gathered by friends who help Gorka so he should have been able to buy from both. But I understand Wayside need to keep such a valuable commodity as Cure Light wounds in the area too.

- Gorka
Alright Cho Ko Nu it is settled. Gorka pay 3 gold, Gandian pay 3 gold, and Davion pay 3 gold, That's 9 gold total. Can you raise the last gold or you need Gorka to find more help?

- Gorka
Forest Edge would be happy to contribute the last 1 Gold (or more if others wanted to split things a bit more evenly) to help pay for the costs of establishing a potion workshop that you could use in Hopes Reach Cho.

I'm sure we will be interested in doing business with you for potions in the future and getting a potion workshop set up for someone who already has such a prodigious level of skill would be fantastic!

- Taloc
Treasurer of Forest Edge
People of Hope's Reach-

Thank you for you enthusiasm in help me get set-up with workshop.

Me need inform that through a private arrangement, full cost of workshop be already provided.

Me look forward for make good trade with all of you.

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in the Trader's Guild of Roskaria
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I'll soon be a potion maker myself. I've learned the basics about it and will be practicing probably next market day.