Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/18/13


Traverse City Staff
April 20th 2013: Dinner Event: Feast of Heroes - After the unexpected flight from Horn's End, the adventurers are welcomed into the new realm by way of a giant feast. The Elders appear and bestow their new gifts upon the adventures in order to aid them against the forces that banished the heroes from their home.

This will be at the new camp logistics will be from 11:00 - 1:00 with game on at 1:00. You will now be able to pay with credit card at the door. Drections to the camp are on our web site Pre-reg bonus of 50 gobbies for everyone that pre-regs before April 16th at midnight.
The fee for this event is $15.00 and we can accept credit cards at the door or in PayPal on the web site.

Alex W.
James P.
Mike D.
Cory W.
Derek K.
Tansy U.
Daphne P.
Dave H.
Amy H.
Tylor A.

Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

Brigit and I are NPC-ing
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

I will be there NPCing as well :).
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

Would you like full pre-regs or is this a non-combat event? (As the dinners traditionally have been)

If it's non-combat, I'm not bringing half my crap :p
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

You mentioned paying with credit card...but what is the price for this dinner extravaganza?

Will there be an in game and out of game auction as in the past? No auction? Just one?

I will be PCing...just have to dig out all my junk to pre-reg!
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

PS: the link to the website for directions is broken.
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

link was fixed sorry
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

The price for the Dinner Event will be $15. That can be payed through Pay Pal, or at the door with cash, checks or credit cards.

There will indeed be in game auction as well as an out of game auction. We have a couple of really cool things in both to sell :).
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

I will be there, along with Tory (I'm almost certain). Could I perhaps pre-pay for future events (for a discount?)?
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event

Currently we don't have that option available because we must meet expensive camp fees in order to continue to play. However, if you can recruit more players and we get closer to costs, we can certainly talk about deals like that :).
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/3/13)

As a side note, I will more then likely be page status for the 20th even because I am having surgery on the 12th, but I still really want to play with you guys :D
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/3/13)

It would be nice to see you there. I hope all goes well Alex
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/3/13)

Graydin Pike is joining as well, I just sent my prereg! ^__^
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/3/13)

Yay! It will be good to see you guys again :).
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/11/13)

Viki, Daphne and I will also be making the commute out there. I am looking forward to the one day.

Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/16/13

Just to remind everyone you have until midnight tonight to get in on the bonus gobbies. So get the pre-regs in.
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/16/13

OOOH, I'm so excited!!!

Vicki :P
Re: Pre-reg for April 20th event (UP DATED 4/17/13

I don't see me on the pre-reg list...but you responded so I assume you got it?
