Pre-reg for May 27-29

norman b

Pre-reg is now OPEN!! (If you have missed the pre-reg deadline please still send in a pre-reg if you are planning on coming to the event, while you may not get the discount you can help make Friday night check-in faster and easier for all of us.)

Please be aware that it has been okayed to offer 15 goblin stamps, just like Seattle, if you pre-reg early! We will give you 15 goblin stamps if you pre-reg by Friday April 29th. This gives you 6 weeks to pre-reg and receive 15 goblin stamps!

This is for the Alliance Oregon May 27th-29th event at Camp Kiwanilong, Warrenton, OR.

Pre-reg will close on Wednesday, May 18th, at 11:59 PM. (Pre-reg will be closing two weeks prior to events going forward, to give the logistics team more time to handle requests and pre-event prep, thank you for your understanding.)

Please fill out our pre-reg form
(If you have questions on how to Pre-Reg, please check out this post.)

Reminder we are now only accepting pre-reg's via our online form, we will no longer accept emails. Thanks for your understanding.

If you have any BP expenditures you need to take care of them separately from your pre-reg, please send inquiries and requests to the logistics email by THE FRIDAY BEFORE GAME. Thanks!

In addition we will be cracking down on incomplete pre-regs going forward, please remember that if your pre-reg is received incomplete you will not receive the discount event fee. You will be charged the at the door price for the event.

Event Fees

  • PC: $65.00 at the door, $50.00 if you pre-reg.
  • Advance page: $40.00 at the door, $30.00 if you pre-reg
  • Page: $30.00 at the door, $20.00 if you pre-reg
  • NPC: Free to play, NPC food is $15.00 if you pre-reg before the deadline.
Name in red - Received an incomplete pre-reg.
Name in blue - Late Pre-reg.

PC Pre-reg's received:
Cass J
Jimmy H
Rick R
Tony M
Elise L
Ryan W
Wolf C
Nikki B
Barb M
Krystina F
Christine W
Brian H
David B
Carmen S
Keegan G
Zaz Y
Ben T
Matt H
Styrie H
Daniel M
William J
Paul G
Kara G
Tanner M
David K
Porter J
Stephen S
Brian J
Chantell W
Matt W
Sean B
Shane R
Paige H
Emily S
Shane M
Cymryc M
Matt O
Bill (Need a last name)
Kevin Mo
Wolf C
Chantelle Y
Kevin Me
Daniel S
Nate B
Rollin F
Layn H
Sori H
Jeremy R

Character Transfers received:

(If your name is not on this list then I have not received your character card from your home chapter. If I do not receive it by Saturday evening (3/5/16) you will either need to bring a copy of your most recent card or play with the most recent card I have for you in the database. If I don't have anything for you in the database you might end up NPCing.)

NPC Pre-reg's received:
Norman B
Amanda G

Gavin V
Sean G
William B
Pierre K
Saga F
Dixi E
Dallas E
Brittany E
Elizabeth H
Jason W
Mike S
Westbrook E
Slayde S

NPC Meal Plan -
Gavin V

Sean G
William B
Saga F
Dixi E
Dallas E
Brittany E
Elizabeth H
Mike S
Westbrook E

PC Cabins list:

Please use the above link to sign up for your bunks. I will be moving (not removing) people who do not pre-reg. The Trading Post is Auto Assigned to Zaz. Please do not move or remove ANYONE without their permission. Please do not move ANYONE on the Non-pre-reg column unless their name is on the Pre-reg list above. NPC's, please sign up below. We have plenty of sleep space but obviously it's good to have sleeping spots for those who we know are going!

NPC Cabin List:

Last updated: 5/21/16

If you feel you should be on this list and are not, please email logistics and let us know. Thanks!
Last edited:
Pre-registration closes in two days! Get it while it's still hot!
Thanks Rick!

Also, I will get this updated tonight.
Almost forgot to pre-reg. Getting it in as soon as I'm off work.
Update! We have extended the deadline until Wednesday, May 18th!
You guys have one more day! Get them pre-reg's in!