Pre-Reg Open for February 26th One Day Due 18th/22nd


Pre-Registration is now open for the February 26th event- By request One-day

To pre-reg let us know you are coming as soon as possible by no later then Friday February the 18th, and include something you are interested in following up on, then fill out the Prereg form/request you tags etc. by February 22nd!

In order to make staff the happiest people on Earth, get your pre-reg in to go through logistics quickly! Also, it allows you to play at a discounted rate! See? Now everyone can be happy.

For a list/form for preregistration check our website at Simply fill it out and send it to!

Pre-regs are due by the 18th, and tag requests by the 22nd! (you must do BOTH to get preregistration price!)

However, we encourage you to get them in before then (ASAP) to make Logistics lives easier.

Who's coming:

Pre-Registered PCs:
1.)Ryan B.
2.)Alexander T.
3.)Andrew C.
4.)Brent W.
5.)Ryan H.
6.)Jesse B.
7.)Adam R.
8.)Tim B.
9.)Sam O.
10.)Brandon M.
11.)Alison A.
12.)Nathan K.
13.)David C.
14.)Paige H.
15.)Timothy McC.

Expected, but not Pre-reged PCs

16.)Dan McC.

Pre-Registered NPCs:
1.) Peter H.
2.) Adam P.
3.) Andrea R.
4.) Chris B.
5.) Tristan W.
6.) Ryan B. (2)
7.) Emilynn H.
8.) David G.
9.) Ryan H.
10.)Jamison O.

*edited for gross missuse of power* (Ryan owes Paul $20)
YES! I'm finally first on the list!
I don't like you either, Paul. ;)
So if we plan on NPC'ing an event, do we fill out the registration form on MN Homepage or just e-mail Logistics saying we're NPCing?
Icey said:
So if we plan on NPC'ing an event, do we fill out the registration form on MN Homepage or just e-mail Logistics saying we're NPCing?

a simple e-mail noting any allergies/medical issues and what character you'd like the blanket applied to is all you need. (If you only have one character, that's easy to decide!)
So if I want to save that blanket for a new character I want to create, is that possible? Or would I first have to create that character?
Icey said:
So if I want to save that blanket for a new character I want to create, is that possible? Or would I first have to create that character?

You would ask for the blanket be applied to a 'new character' you could then build that card up as high as you wanted with build before name/spending the points.
Alright, sweet. Thank you.
Just curious if you got my prereg.
I've sent some stuff to logistics about blankets and background. Should I wait to hear back before Preregistering?
He'll go. Even if I have to kidnap him :P
I would very much enjoy being registered for pcing! Thank you!
Quick question... Would the event be cancelled due to excessive coldness/ snowiness?
Only if it's dangerously cold, we've played at this location in a blizzard before, The location does have a heated central "warming hut" that helps give everyone a break from the cold weather.
I suppose im not one to talk, but we have 4 PCs and 6 NPCs
if something doesnt change, the monsters are ganging up on the characters