pre=reg/transfers for June


I have received the following pre-reges -

Amanda Glen
Mark Walker
Shane Renner
Leigh-ann Magill
Matt Oostman
Jason Warlock
Amanda Heaton
Cymryc Moon
Alex Shamis
Mike Amaral
Seth Bird
Cassandra Moselle
Adam Staiger

I have received the following character transfers -
Arnold Shamis
Jason Warlock
Mike Amaral
Grant Winter
Leighann Magill
Amanda Glen
Cymryc Moon
Mark Walker
Adam Staiger

If you were on the pre-pay list but did not pre-reg, please remember that you *must* pre-reg to gain the pre-pay price.

I have not heard back form logistics about my requests. Until such time as I do, I plan to attend and that's really all you can get out of me.