
Hey I did find a minimal sort of website through looking through this forum. But I was wondering if end up being able to come to the October event do you guys accept Pay-pall for pre-payment? And if so what email should that be sent too? And also what email should logistics/pre-reg information be sent to?

Now if there is an updated website with all this relevant information I must be blind but perhaps someone could point me in the right direction. ;) Thanks!
The website you found is the one. It's under construction. :)

There is no pre-payment through Pay-pal or anything, thus no discount for pre-regging. Cash or Check at logisitcs. Any logistics questions or information should be sent to

See you in a few weeks.

Ok, so basically there isn't any huge benefit to pre-reg'ing other than having tags ready. good to know. I assume the email address you mentioned though is where we should have our home chapter send characters tho right? What's the address for the site? Thanks!
w00t! I'm coming! Can't wait to meet ya'll. :) Were any of you guys at the symposium last year?
What's the symposium?