Pre-Registration: April 16th One-Day


Our FIRST EVER 1-Day will be at the Island Lake Recreation Area - Dodge Shelter (6301 Kensington Road) in Brighton, MI. The price for this event will be $25 for PCs, and FREE for NPCs! Anyone who preregisters will earn 30 goblin stamps as thanks. There will be no food at this event.

Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm EST on April 11th. Please send the following information to
  • How you want to spend any build/goblin stamps
  • Magic Item information (item number, expiration date, and their effects)
  • Spells, Formal, and Production
If you're a first time player, still shoot logistics an email so that we can help you with character creation and other things ahead of time!

Pre-Regged PCs
1. Tristin W (Fredrick)
2. TSM (Lukas)
3. Amber M (Ellabreeze)
4. Matt F (Mathis)
5. Baylan B (Taios)
6. Dave M (Ardos)
7. Amanda (New)

1. Chris I
2. Travis G
3. Chad S
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Hello all,

With out some more preregistrations, it looks like we're going to have to cancel this one day. Many of you said you wanted one days to happen. So I'd encourage you to preregister now (or to the next one) or we won't be able to make it happen. We can wait another day or two and see what happens (I know a few of your a last minute folks).
I have some projects I have to get done this weekend and no time other to do it so I will have to miss the one day
So, the game is on...