Pre-Registration: August 12-14


Our August 12-14 Weekend Event will be at the MUCC Cedar Lake Outdoor Center (2500 Pierce Road) in Chelsea, MI.
The price for this event will be $60, but anyone who preregisters will only have to pay $50 and earn 30 goblin stamps in addition. Full-time NPCs are free to play.

Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm EST on August 8th. Please send the following information to
  • How you want to spend any build/goblin stamps
  • Magic Item information (item number, expiration date, and their effects)
  • Spells, Formal, and Production
If you're a first time player, still shoot logistics an email so that we can help you with character creation and other things ahead of time!

If your name is on this list, it means you've told us you're coming
If your name is in purple, it means you've pre-reg'd
If your name is in green, it means you've pre-pay'd
If your name is in orange, it means you've pre-reg'd AND pre-pay'd

1. Ian P (Banradi)
2. Annette S (Cyn)*
3. Matt F (Mathis)
4. TSM (Lukas)
5. Sal M (Trellis)
6. Tristin W (Fredrick)
7. Jared S (Pyke)
8. Rob D (Kit)
9. Baylan B (Taios)*
10. Genevieve P (Collette)
11. New Player 1 (New)
12. New Player 2 (New)
13. New Player 3 (New)
14. Casey M (Ko Hut)
15. Alison T (Ara)*
16. John L (Pyxis)*
17. Dan L (Halfdan)
18. TC B (Naomi)
19. Chris T (TadRon)
20. Amber M (Ellabreeze)*

21. Dave R (Bob)
22. Jake the Snake (Ardos)
23. Elliot (Dark Elf)
24. Mia L (Kai)
25. Mike L (Havok)
26. Josh J (Zeus)*
27. Doug F (Alabaster)*


1. Chris I (Bartholomew Sebastian)
2. Travis G (Probably Ko, or whatever)
3. Chad S (Thaddeus Savoy LOL JK)
4. Frank M (New)
5. Emily R
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Hey Everyone,

Unless you're a new player, a lot of people will also need to bring money for membership!

For those of you who don't know what membership is, it's an annual $15 fee that helps us cover insurance costs. It also allows you to blanket our events and get monthly goblin blankets. If you're a new player, your first three months are free!
More people!! Come play!!
You are now more than welcome to Pre-Pay for the event!

If you'd like to do this, you can send your money to via PayPal. You may also include the cost of food ($10) in this as well if convenient. Please include an additional $2 for processing fees.

Thank you all! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Only a few hours left to save $10 and earn 30 goblin stamps by preregistering! Make sure to get these in by 11:59pm EST tonight!
The preregistration discount is now closed, however you can still send your information in and earn 30 goblin stamps!