Pre-Registration DEADLINE - Thursday ** CLOSED **


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
** Pre-registration is now closed. I have received transfers for all registered PCs and pre-logistics information for most. Thank you PCs and Logistics teams for making this happen!

I'm pushing the pre-registration deadline as far as I can. Midnight Thursday is the cut-off for receiving registration and pre-logisting information, and event payments.

Reminder: If you need a character transfer, get your request to your home logistics team ASAP! If you have not received an email from me confirming that I have received your character transfer, please contact myself and your home logistics team.

The same goes for any other outstanding requests or communication you have with me. I think I'm all caught up with responses, but if you're waiting on me for anything send me a (friendly) reminder.

Tyson Weise
Alliance Gettysburg Logistics