Pre-registration for October 21st-23rd (Details on Masquerade Dinner)


Where does the time go? Our October 21st-23rd Event is fast approaching!

Logistics will open at approximately 6:00 PM on Friday, with Game-On hopefully by 9:30 PM, and Game-Off at approximately noon on Sunday. We always would like to try to get the event started as fast as possible, so try to arrive punctually if you can!

IMPORTANT NOTE - This Event will feature a Masked Dinner/Banquet, While there will be no In Game guarantee aside from the Sanctum effect, Plot will not be sending in any combat npcs during the Dinner, or the Ritual of Remembrance RP following it. This period will start around 5 pm and like last until 9 pm Saturday Evening.

We will not be hosting Contests at this years banquet, as we will be focusing on a number of important plot points, and the ritual of remembrance.

This event will take place at the following site:

Camp Matta
1538 180th Avenue
Kanabec Twp, MN

Pre-registering is highly encouraged, for it lets the staff know you're attending and, as such, lets us prepare what we need to do ahead of time. Pre-registering makes everything run smoother, and lets us get our game started all the faster, which is always convenient. It also gets you a discounted fee for the event! The sooner you get your pre-reg in, the more pleased the Logistics folks will be, so get those pre-regs in! Even if you're NPCing, please don't forget to pre-reg. It's important for us to know how many NPCs are coming, etc.

The cost for this event is $60 for PCing and $10 for NPCing, with a discount for pre-registering (making it $50 to PC or $5 to NPC with an on-time pre-reg). First and second time players get their game half-off (or free to NPC)!

For a form for registration, check out and simply fill out the information.Otherwise, you can just email your pre-reg, but we would greatly prefer if you were to use the website form, considering it makes things a lot easier for the Logistics staff. Pre-regs should include: Build Expenditures, Goblin Stamp Expenditures, Magic Item info (item number, effects, expiration, etc.), any Production skill use, any Craftsman skills, and anything else you deem appropriate (categories are listed on the online form).

Players with purple text by their name should send the requested information to logistics prior to the event if at all possible as soon as possible!

Pre-regs are due by Monday, October 17th at midnight! You do not get the discount for registering after this point, but it is still highly encouraged by the logistics staff for you to do so!

Pre-Registered PCs:

1.) William P. (Errick
2.) David R. (Iganeous)
3.) Ryan S. (Roderick)
4.) Josh C. (Baeleon)
5.) Emma B. (Illana)
6.) Ryan B. (Asher)
7.) Zach S. (Earendur)
8.) Andrea R. (Gertrude)
9.) Matt M. (Victor)
10.) Griffin (Argose)
11.) Jessica P. (Keladry)
12.) Alexander T. (Gandian)
13.) Amanda F. (Liddia)
14.) Sid P. (Ragnarok)
15.) Jenn S. (Jamina)
16.) Seamus C. (Benjamin)
17.) Kyle S. (Briar)
18.) Rick B (Oliver)
19.) Christina S. (Socora)
20.) Mariah S. (Negora)
21.) Ryan B. (Grull)
22.) Ranee J. (Smalls)
23.) Ben S. (Jack)
24.) Ryn L. (Auryn)
25.) Dan S. (Glav)

Pre-Registered NPCS:

1.) Dan L.
2.) Amy M.
3.) Rob D.
4.) Courtney L.
5.) Dave G.
6.) Duncan W.
7.) Teague M.
8.) Jeremy M.
9.) Greg L.
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Whats the story on Ibgas? I haven't seen you make a post about a deadline or anything.
We'll be accepting IBGAs until Monday the 10th, with the intent to provide responses by the end of that same week.
Pre-reg updated, it begins...
Y'all should generally remember/expect that I'll be hopping fence at some point. It's kinda a thing that I do. ;)
What?! I actually get to play with Gandian!!! Super excited about that!

Some one would have to invite him...