Mike Ventrella
To pre-register, go here: http://alliancelarp.com/pay.php but any pre-registration after today must include an extra $10 (you can treat this as a donation for PayPal purposes). Please do NOT sign up any later than Wednesday because it may not get credited, since Kyle is going up to the site on Thursday.
Note: Pump and Pantry has free wifi i'll be hitting them up to catch stragglers. -Kyle
1. Scott Kondrk (Drak) Prelogisted
2. Dee Kondrk (Drifa) Prelogisted
3. Eric Stehle (Ivan Drake)
4. Kyle Spriggle (Grim) Prelogisted
5. Kris Kitts (Jovunn) Prelogisted
6. Christine Maudlin (Gwendara)
7. Cortni Walton (Ikmoqs)
8. Illana Ogan (Ferra Ironbeard) Prelogisted
9. Heidi Hooper (Zat)
10. Amanda Troy (Alora) Prelogisted
11. David Ehrhart (Khorwyn Brey) Prelogisted
12. Brian Whitham (Garathon) Prelogisted
13. Miranda Whitham (Elara) Prelogisted
14. Tim Curry (Kayden) + event membership (Kayden)
15. Marissa Livollen (Sryah) + event membership
16. Frank Willig (Huleen Shadowscale)
17. Maggie Lee (Luka) Prelogisted
18. Nathan Gill + event membership
19. Danielle Wilson
20. Henry Hart (Harrison)
21. Jacob Miller (Monty!) Prelogisted
22. Susanna Lee (Kialda Loa) + $5 food donation Prelogisted
23. William Mann (Darkan) Prelogisted
24. William Duffy (balls) Prelogisted
25. David Tengdin (Eldarion Avari) + event membership
26. Amelia Lizak (ren) Prelogisted
27. Krista Rozanski (PAID LATE, OWES ANOTHER $10)
1. Lopez
2. Chuck the cook
3. Ken Swartz
4. Mike Strauss
5. Collin Babcock
6. Robb graves
7. Amanda Wells
8. jacklyn Werth
9. Chris Crawford
10. Sam Owens
11. Tom Wilson
12. Nancy Calvert-Warren
13. Andrew Wilson
14. Liz Marshall
15. Nathan Gill
16. Josh Berit ( hell yes)
Fire: Kyle Spriggle
Water: Amanda Troy
Phoenix: Gwen and the gang
Gryphon: Kris and the gang
Dragon:Henry and friends
Note: Pump and Pantry has free wifi i'll be hitting them up to catch stragglers. -Kyle
1. Scott Kondrk (Drak) Prelogisted
2. Dee Kondrk (Drifa) Prelogisted
3. Eric Stehle (Ivan Drake)
4. Kyle Spriggle (Grim) Prelogisted
5. Kris Kitts (Jovunn) Prelogisted
6. Christine Maudlin (Gwendara)
7. Cortni Walton (Ikmoqs)
8. Illana Ogan (Ferra Ironbeard) Prelogisted
9. Heidi Hooper (Zat)
10. Amanda Troy (Alora) Prelogisted
11. David Ehrhart (Khorwyn Brey) Prelogisted
12. Brian Whitham (Garathon) Prelogisted
13. Miranda Whitham (Elara) Prelogisted
14. Tim Curry (Kayden) + event membership (Kayden)
15. Marissa Livollen (Sryah) + event membership
16. Frank Willig (Huleen Shadowscale)
17. Maggie Lee (Luka) Prelogisted
18. Nathan Gill + event membership
19. Danielle Wilson
20. Henry Hart (Harrison)
21. Jacob Miller (Monty!) Prelogisted
22. Susanna Lee (Kialda Loa) + $5 food donation Prelogisted
23. William Mann (Darkan) Prelogisted
24. William Duffy (balls) Prelogisted
25. David Tengdin (Eldarion Avari) + event membership
26. Amelia Lizak (ren) Prelogisted
27. Krista Rozanski (PAID LATE, OWES ANOTHER $10)
1. Lopez
2. Chuck the cook
3. Ken Swartz
4. Mike Strauss
5. Collin Babcock
6. Robb graves
7. Amanda Wells
8. jacklyn Werth
9. Chris Crawford
10. Sam Owens
11. Tom Wilson
12. Nancy Calvert-Warren
13. Andrew Wilson
14. Liz Marshall
15. Nathan Gill
16. Josh Berit ( hell yes)
Fire: Kyle Spriggle
Water: Amanda Troy
Phoenix: Gwen and the gang
Gryphon: Kris and the gang
Dragon:Henry and friends