Pre-Registration List for National Event

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PCS -- 90 so far
1330pm 8/30/10 PRE REG IS CLOSED -- but this list can still be updated (if you send in your info-- it just doesn't have the price break that pre-reg had before...sorry!)

Chris Crawford
Heather Marvin
Kevin Erwin
Marissa Livollen
Robert Kinlen
Vincent Reyes
Kevin Erwin
Daniel Niedermayer
William Mann
Pricilla Shaffer
Amanda Troy
Tim Curry
Maggie Lee

Chris Keifer
Josh Clark
Joy Clark
Seamus Costello
Katie Fountaine
Jesse Smith
Ryan Zabawa
Victoria Pacillo

Arriana Vasquez
Tab Merkel
William Duffy
Gregory de los Santos

Sean Metzler
Will Kinkaid
Mike Chagnon
Lauren Yung
Steve Duetzmann
Dan Aldi
David Tengdin
Jeremy Davis
Rebecca Watson
Brian Davis

New Jersey
Erica Stephenson
Jessica Bender
Chris Griffen
Shana Romano
Drew Resele
Amy Resele
Alex Perez

Gary Marvel

Joseph Menear
Kris Barr
Mark Mickle
Cody Steward
Jarrod Taylor
Brad Whitmer
Natalie Dye
TJ Wells
Mike Parkhurst
Sean Dement
Jeff Rainville
Kris Barr
Mandy Price

John Pariury (JP)

Chris Conley
Steph Conley
Russ Eaborn

Bryan Gregory
Matthew O.
Seth Bird
Carmen Swift

Jess Donald
Mark Mensch

TC Bastion
Liz McLain
Brigit Convery
Joseph Convery
Matt Ferrara
Carrie Smurr
Tom Andary
Amber Montayne
Michael Nordby

Adam Rosenfield
Dawson Davis Jr
David Glaeser
Nathan Klisch
Chris Matta
Andrew Cameron
Andrea Rognli

Mike Long
Arlene Velderman
Christopher Thetford
Robert Ordiway
David Russel
Beverly Byers
Anique Puckett

NPCS -- 22 so far
Brian Bender (Ash)
Deirdre Kondrk (Ash)
Scott Kondrk (Ash)
Paul Foisy (Chi)
Rebecca Watson (CT)
Dave Darling (NJ)
Joe Plonski (NJ)
Jen Reynolds (NJ)
William Hawkins (NJ)
Sarah Hawkins (NJ)
Chris McGrath (OH)
Justin Doheny (OH)
Kiersten Doheny (OH)
Matt Boyd (OH)
Maureen Vaughan (OH)
Mike Webb (OH)
Rob Ames (OH)
Sarah Shimko (OH)
Sara Funkhouser (OH)
Scott Edwards (OH)
Rob Davis (OH)
Matt Byers (TC)

90 PCs /22 NPCs = 4 PCs to 1 NPC
Re: Pre-Regitration List for National Event

Adam Rosenfield is a SoMN guy. He's a good buddy of mine.-Dawson
Re: Pre-Regitration List for National Event

I'm NJ??????? Love you Jersey people, but I feel dirty and like I may have just been insulted... :)
Re: Pre-Regitration List for National Event

Jezebel said:
I'm NJ??????? Love you Jersey people, but I feel dirty and like I may have just been insulted... :)
well you're NJ enough lol. I dunno. maybe send in an actual "im coming" instead of having me in my tired state go "she better be I think so..." and then lumping you in with the likes of (shudder) Joe Plonski and Will Hawkins. I feel dirty,too. :) hehe.
Can you post a "current total PC's and "current total NPC's" list at the top possibly so we know the strait numbers? Thanks! :)
Dreamingfurther said:
Can you post a "current total PC's and "current total NPC's" list at the top possibly so we know the strait numbers? Thanks! :)

I spoiled you with that info in Chicago, didn't I? :)
Dreamingfurther said:
Can you post a "current total PC's and "current total NPC's" list at the top possibly so we know the strait numbers? Thanks! :)

I will with the next update tonight. Got another dozen or so pre-reg's and heard from as many people saying "yeah I need to get that done" lol.
Quinn said:
Dreamingfurther said:
Can you post a "current total PC's and "current total NPC's" list at the top possibly so we know the strait numbers? Thanks! :)

I will with the next update tonight. Got another dozen or so pre-reg's and heard from as many people saying "yeah I need to get that done" lol.

LIES!!! Your night is OVER!!! ;)

lol I'm sorry Real Life smacked me between the shoulder blades and I just became conscious enough...

I have like 14 or so (about) pre-reg's from the weekend. I will get to this (updating this list has been for me the last step in a "get the email, verify the payment, check with paypal, update the spreadsheet, check for notes/cabin requests, etc" list lol.

I did lie!
Or...did I just not tell the truth in a creative but non-lying way.

wait..what? I'm tired. I will get to this when I bloody well get to this! ;) <---- (my winky face to show I'm kidding and not being a DB too lol)

I...promise? :)
Tell Webb he's not allowed to have a bithday party till next year. I need you healthy :)

I know a number of Chicago Players are pre regging this week.

Any update to the list?
You should also have recieved a pre-reg from Tim Curry. He was paid for on the same charge as me.

Joy Nelson and Soren Haurberg are Chicago players. Also, I believe Victoria Pacillo, a Chicago player, has preregged, and is not listed.
Rob Davis (OH) has also pre-regged to NPC and should be on the list as well
I will be an NPC and I am from NJ chapter as well.
Mike Meeker and Rocky ??? from TC said they were coming to NPC....can you confirm that under the NPC list?
Dan Beshers from NH will also be NPCing.
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