Pre-registration Post Question!

Do you want your character's name added to the pre-reg post?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • No

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters

norman b

Hi Peeps!

I have a question for everyone. Would you guys like to have your character names added to the pre-reg list that I keep updated on here or would you guys like to keep it secret? I have seen it added in the past which is why I ask. Please feel free to answer the poll above!
I like the idea of having it optional on the pre-reg form, otherwise going to have to go with no.
I fall on the side of yes, but having it be a toggle switch on the pre-reg would be better.
I like having it listed. If somebody for some reason finds the urge to try and hide who they're going to be until friday night when everybody sees them anyway, sure, let them hide it I guess.
I would say default yes but have the option to say No. That way some one can be all secret and sneaky.
I recommend the following:

1) Allow a player to designate that they would like their IG name withheld, and an additional options to have their RL name withheld as well. As long as Logistics is aware the player is arriving, there is no reason to place their name on the public Pre-Reg list, and if they want to be sneaky sneak, it's probably best if nobody knows the player is coming, too.

2) Allowing the player who opts to have their IG/OOG name withheld to reserve a bunk using "Name Withheld" on the cabin list, and include in their pre-reg notes which cabin they're reserving, so Logistics can verify the bunk is legitimately withheld, if anyone asks.
The only problem is then we have people asking "Did you get my pre-reg?". This is OOG information, players shouldn't be using it to determine IG behavior or decisions, either about the player or the character.

Edit: sorry there are disguise rules but its difficult to pull off successfully if you are anything but human...
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I've got no issue with character names being voluntarily withheld. As for player names, I agree with Norm.
Ultimately, if the idea is that being sneaky sneak isn't a thing, then there's no reason to withhold character names, either.

Additionally, if we assume that people won't metagame (which is a pretty bad assumption, in my opinion, just being real, here), then the withholding of information is additionally a non-thing.
The idea was to find interest in if people wanted character names up on the list. It was not to have any bering IG. That's all.
I don't recall there being any complaints in the 3 years I've seen the names listed in both chapters. I could be wrong.