Prep Days and Nights! March 27th and 28th


As part of our goal to build up a stockpile of fancy loots I'll be hosting a big set of prep parties starting at 1 pm and going until 9-10 pmish or so both Saturday the 27th and Sunday the 28th. Attendance garners gobbos by the hour, for this particular effort we'll be offering a guarnteed 7.5 Goblins and hour (rounded down, mwa ha ha!) so every 4 hours gets you enough for a monthly or event blanket, Food will also be provided, Likely Pizza for Lunch and a tastey Taco Dinner.

We'll also be counting current popcorn sales turn ins for anyone interested (see other announcement for details).

Tasks we'll have on hand.

Packet prep - Cutting clothing, assembling packets
Loot Prep - Alchemy - Cutting tags, attaching to newly created alchemy packets.
Loot Prep - Scrolls - Cutting out scroll reps, attaching tags, rolling and tying with ribbon.
Loot Prep - Potions - Washing Potion reps out, drying, inserting tags.
Logistics Bin refilling/refiling - Likely to be handled by Staff members mostly, but assistance will be needed to print and prepare so many of the tags we used.
Assistance Building PC pre-regs - For the 3rd, already submitted cards need to be built, this will be headed up by a staff member, but some help organizing would be useful.
Telling Dave what a great guy he is - for whenever you arn't otherwise occupied clearly.

Other prepwork - as my staff tells me all the stuff I've surely forgotten.
Coolies, I'll be there on Sunday for sure. I'll have to see about Saturday though. I'd be more than happy to bring some pop with me. I bought a bunch on sale for company but it's taking up too much space now,
do you have an address for this? -dawson
I'll be there on both days (yay!) though it might be a half day on Saturday. I second the address question.

Also, where are you located Andrew? I'm probably gonna head over earlier but it's still not a bad idea to check.
Jeez go out of town for one event and people all ask for the same thing over and over.

Address for Prep Night is at 14201 Aspen Avenue, Prior Lake, MN 55372
I don't think I'll make it tomorrow now. Brought the car in for some maintenance before our Chicago trip. I should have it back in time for Sunday though.
For those coming and wanting to bring donations (Entirely optional of course!) we can still use a couple hundred potion vials (available at wal-mart in 36-100 potion packs), Orange cloth/Alchemy packets. Although I'll have enough on hand to keep people busy!

Also for all those people who have papercutters and always think about it after you arrive, please bring them if you'd like to use them!
Thanks to all those who came out, we've only got a bit left to do on some of the scroll reps which we'll be able to finish without making another big weekend about it, this should help improve our standards of quality when dropping loot and repping creatures properly, once again a big thanks for everyone that came by and put up with my cat!