Preparing for the gathering


Citizens of Dragonreach, fellow adventurers, and those who travel here-

As the gathering approaches I wanted to make sure that all were aware of events that have led up to this weekend.

It is my understanding that Banradi's efforts to rebuild the Waymaker network will come to a head on Friday evening. This will be a dangerous venture, but due to all of the preparation there is no better time to make the attempt. Presuming that certain other resources arrive we may also make an attempt to free an ally who has remained long imprisoned while on Vacuum. This effort will not be undertaken lightly and only occur if all of the pieces come together.

On Saturday, as a result of those adventurers who were able to answer the call to fight Bleak's minions in the deadlands, we will be able to strike a blow against Bleak and once again greatly reduce his defenses. This attack will open new avenues of attack for us and our allies, but also draw Bleak's attention to our actions.

In between these events I am sure there are many things that people would like to accomplish. I encourage you to leave a message here so that this items can go on the List and we can marshal as many people to aid in their completion as possible.

My List:
  • Check on the imprisoned Death Elemental in the deadlands
  • Explore a Celestine Vault containing Dragon fighting equipment
  • Make contact with the Thirsters
  • Find someone to make contact with Finnis
  • Potentially investigate the resting place of a fallen ally from the first war against Bleak
  • Check out a section of forest in the Unhindered Lands that was problematic
  • Let me know what you want to add

Travel Safely

Sir Mathis
Order of the Emerald Flame
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Well, I'm glad I witnessed this.
*snaps fingers in a Fonz fashion*
Smith and Stitch is a travelling general purpose store. We'll be arriving Friday to sell our wares. While I am not a peaceful soul, I am hardly a battle-hardened warrior. I will have some healing and magical supplies available, so that may be of use to you.

I do seem to arrive at interesting times no matter where I go...I love this life I lead!

Mathfis I'm not going on dat plane! I will stay on our plane and keep our tree friends safe. If there is more I can do you let me know. My husband Pyxis is traveling wif me to Vallbro and you might like him. He is great! We are gonna cook meat and corns for you and all our Vallbro friends. Someone needs to bring inoxicake!!! I'm looking at you Radi...these dreams you have been sharin have been nightmares for me... Joseph Smith, I'm happy you have the healin! I already like your style. I'm also glad you love the life you live. I love my living life too! Life is much better than not life. When you are not life you end up in a crumbled up pile of stones and bones. Yuck!

I wrote a contract!

We have to do it.

-First General Lukas