Prereg for Sept 16-18 Event CLOSED, Registration STILL OPEN

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to inform you that preregistration for our Sept 16-18 weekend in Chicago is now open.

For preregistration, we need: MIs, build expenditures, high magic, and goblin stamp expenditures. We also need your column, so we can prepare your battleboard. If you have played in Chicago this year, sent in your column, and don't want to change it - just let us know you want the same column. Otherwise, send in the changes.

Remember, for MIs, we need you to list ALL of the effects, expiration, whether the item is LCO or restricted, and MI numbers. Don't just list the effects that need tags.

Preregistered people will pay only $30 for the event. Those who do not preregister will pay $40 at the door.

IF YOU PREREGISTER BY 11:59 PM CDT ON SATURDAY, SEPT 10, YOU WILL RECEIVE 30 GOBLIN STAMPS. Otherwise, the preregistration deadline is WEDNESDAY, SEPT 14TH at 11:59 PM CDT!

New rulebooks will be available for $20. You can reserve one as a part of your preregistration.

Memberships will also be available for sale. For those attending in person, it is a part of your event fee. If you are planning on pay no playing or gobbying the event, it is $15 additional to renew. This also gives you a $15 discount on the first event you attend in person, if you make it out to Chicago.

You can prepay for the event via Paypal. There is a $2 surcharge for doing so, to offset the Paypal fees.

The email address for Paypal, as well as preregistration emails, is

NPCing in Chicago is ALWAYS FREE!

The site address is:

3640 Scout Road
Kirkland, IL 60146

See you there!

Preregistered PCs (34):
Robert S. (Fri night)
Ryan Z.
David C.
Emilynn R.
Xander T.
Courtney H.
Robert D.
David G.
Mariah S.
Matt S.
Crystal K.
Nick P. (prepaid)
Danielle D.
Kenny E.
Victoria P.
Seamus C.
Chris H.
---- bonus goblin stamp cutoff ----
Stephen S.
Daphne P.
Teague M.
Paige H.
Brittany S.
Zach G.
Ashley M.
Sarah S.
Catherine F.
Andrew J.
Laura B.
Ranee J.
Jonathan M.
Cara S.
David S.
Roy B.

Registered PCs (1)
Ryan Buh.

Rumored to be Attending:
Amanda F.

Preregistered NPCs (7):
Paul F.
Thomas M.
Nathan K.
Ryan B.
David L.
Josh St.
Dan L.
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

I will be there to help run the show.
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

This is my "head's up list."
Minnesota people that'll be riding with me or Josh
David - PC
Courtney - PC
Nathan - NPC
Andrea - ?
Stephen - PC (if coming)
Emilynn - ?
Ryan Be. - ?
Dan - NPC
Josh - NPC

Ken E
Nick P
Possibly their Friends
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

Nathan... prepare plot. :)
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

I'll have to confirm if I'm coming, but I most likely will be (and that will make all four Shadow's Light members present! Yay!), and once I confirm, I'll send my pre-reg.
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPENv

If only Nate had a bunch of potential fishbowl mods written somewhere...
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

I'm waiting to confirm my schedule with work, but I'm 99% sure I'm going
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

Gandian Ravenscroft said:
I'll have to confirm if I'm coming, but I most likely will be (and that will make all four Shadow's Light members present! Yay!), and once I confirm, I'll send my pre-reg.

You and Mariah are coming Alexander ^.^
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

I just requested my build card so i can preregister. Right now the four of us are all coming plus 1-4 more.
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

Guys, please make sure you get your preregs in ASAP, and that you get card requests in as early as possible!
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

I'll be there. I'm working on a new card atm.
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

YAY! Kendra is going to Wayside for the first time! Also it is 1 week away from my birthday, so this is a fun way to celebrate ^-^
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

Woot, I can for sure come. I'll be sending in my pre-reg later tonight

Edit: Sent
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

I might be there, depends what days i'm working...but i won't find out til mid week. Will try to come just to have some fun, but it's not a for sure yet.
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

Kalin said:
I might be there, depends what days i'm working...but i won't find out til mid week. Will try to come just to have some fun, but it's not a for sure yet.

Holy crap, you do have a forum account. :)
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

33 players, and we still have some to do regular registration... wow! And look at all the new players - should be a GREAT event!
Re: Preregistration for the Sept 16-18 Event is NOW OPEN

I must say I enjoy the "Rumored to be Attending" section. Looks like this should be fun!
Re: Prereg for Sept 16-18 Event CLOSED, Registration STILL O

Guys - make sure you check the forecast. Should be a bit colder than normal for Chicago in September. Also - the forecast says no rain. Don't believe it, as history has shown us it always rains during our events. So make sure you're prepared.
Re: Prereg for Sept 16-18 Event CLOSED, Registration STILL O

Dan, eat your wheaties buddy we are gunna need you all out all weekend. :)