Preregistration Closed for December 12th


Remember when preregistering to vote for one of the three options!

1. Kalmoks Anvil

Having fallen in June of 1486, the Anvil rests at the mouth of the Valley of Solace and used to provided security for the valley that lays between the nations of Gaden and Pratorak. The corrupt presence is strong in this area, and the anvil itself has many defenses that were designed to defend the current occupents regardless of who they might be.

-Note - This area will have a strong amount of combat and is a significantly more dangerous area then the other options

2. The Western Forest

On the western edge of Gaden a large forest borders the land, much of it not fully know or explored many barbarians, wylderkyn and other races come through and from this area, what mysteries might be found for a group exploring the area?

3. The Northern Mountains

Recently visited, these mountain ranges used to be inhabited by many dwarves centuries before, but the old forges have fallen silent, the reason for their leaving this area lost to time, it is only remember that some menance drove the dwarves to seal up their ancestrial workshops and move to safer locals.

For a list/form for preregistration check our website at

Simply fill it out and send it to! For Convience I've included the list of things to include at the bottom of this post for those people who would prefer to have it all within their Pre-reg Email.

Preregistered Players
1.)Alexander Thompson
2.)Mariah Sletten
3.)Samatha Oestreicher
4.)David Raatz
5.)Andrew Cameron
6.)Josh Clark
7.)Mike Hirl
8.)Paul Foisy
9.)Vicky Pacillo
10.)David Tengdin
11.)Levar Jackson
12.)Paige Hubell
13.)Ranee Johnson
14.)Katie Fountaine
15.)Soren Haurberg
17.)Isaiah Sutherland

Preregistered NPCs
1.)Emilynn Henderson
2.)David Glaeser
3.)Stephen Stana
4.)Micah Miller (plus ..two?)
5.)Joy Clark
6.)Chris Matta
7.)Chris Hamilton

Player Name:

Character Name:

Home Chapter:

Current Membership (If not Southern Minnesota) :

Build and Goblin Stamp Expenditures (include exactly how you want to spend your free build and goblin stamps.):

NOTE: You may spend up to 50 goblin points/stamps per day of an event for production items, at a cost of 1 goblin stamp per production point. So for a weekend event you could get up to 100 production points worth of stuff. Which is handy for scoring an extra suit of armor, some cure light wounds potions, or some useful battle magic scrolls.

Daily Skills Needed (PTD skills, racial skills, etc.):

Production and Craftsman (Please include how many levels you have, and what you area making, make sure to mention any Workshops etc.):

Memorized Spells (Please separate by school and level.):

Magic Items (Please include all details about the items and tags needed.):

Tags Needed (Please include anything from a previous event that you need a proper tag for. For magic items include all details.):
NOTE: You do not receive new armor tags at the start of each event; this is only done at your first event.

Second Day Tags (We would prefer that you list all the tags that you will need for the second day as well. However, you will be allowed to switch out any spell tags or production at the second day logistics.):

Daily Skills Needed (PTD skills, racial skills, etc.):

Production and Craftsman (include how many levels you have and how they are being used in detail):

Memorized Spells (separated by school and level):

Magic Items (include all details about the items and tags needed):
Re: Preregistration open for December 12th one day! (due dec 7)

Deadline in less than a week, get your votes in now.
Re: Preregistration open for December 12th one day! (due dec 7)

Unless something urgent comes up for him, my friend Micah Miller should be coming to NPC.
Re: Preregistration open for December 12th one day! (due dec 7)

Tell him to Pre-register at with his name, age, that he's NPCing, and any allergies he has then!
Re: Preregistration open for December 12th one day! (due dec 7)

Ok guys, I just wanted to let everyone know that I might not be able to come to this event. My mom is having some fairly major surgery and I need to be there for her as she goes through recovery :) I hope the event goes great if I am not able to make it, and hopefully I can catch you guys at Afters or something.

Re: Preregistration open for December 12th one day! (due dec 7)

Yea, good luck to your mom. Well if we don't have you I will take all the credit for scaring you away. :P
Re: Preregistration open for December 12th one day! (due dec 7)

finally sent
Re: Preregistration open for December 12th one day! (due dec 7)

Just a few absolute clarifications about this event that I absolutely need for planning purposes:
1. I am correct in believing the address of the campsite is 19825 Park Boulevard, Jordan, MN, 55352, am I not?.
2. When should we be there and when do we leave? I know it's 10:00-6:00, but is game-on called at 10 (So should I be there a little early, for set-up stuff and whatnot), or just you should be there at 10 and game-on will be called a little bit after? Same thing for 6 o'clock: Is that when it game-off is called and the pick-up stuff commences, or is that by when we're supposed to have cleaned up and left? For ease of planning, be specific in your answer.
The above address is correct.

Staff will be on site by 9, please try to arrive early (before 10am) to help ensure we get underway on time.

As for pick up its hard to give a strong and fast time-line because unlike our weekend events we are not on a hard time line and the temptation to get in that one last mod almost always gets us. I'd say if you are scheduling a pick up to do it for a 6:30 pickup, by that time game off should be called and we can finish clean up without you if needed.

Along those lines, expect to be TIRED after the event, and please, please plan to stick around and help the staff clean up, it takes 10 minutes with 15 people or an hour with 5 and trust me the staff will be at a bare minimum at least as tired as you are!