Preregistration for August 5th-7th Event now open!


Alliance Raleigh is excited to announce the opening of pre-registration for our Fifth Event on August 5th-7th

The event for PCs will cost $70 and NPCs $20; however anyone who preregisters will gain a $10 discount! Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday are included with your event fee. If this is your first alliance game, you get half off both your first game, and the first time you PC after that.

Site is Located at : 1317 Joyce Woodworks RD, Sandy Ridge, NC 27046.

Everyone report to the small cabin for logistics, and to unload, parking is provided nearby in a different section for the site

Airport info - The closest airport is in Greensboro the airport code is GSO, this is roughly 30 minutes from site.

Site info - Site opens at 5:30 pm Friday with Game on aimed to start at 8 pm.

Speed Limit - Please drive lowly and carefully on the road into site, there are numerous small animals, deer and children that might be around.

Sleeping - Sleeping is currently provided via 12x16 canvas tents, these tents have footprints (floors) and are fully screened in with the ability to open in a number of ways to enjoy the breeze. Cots are provided to the best of our ability (we currently have 20 and will order more as attendance/funds allow) In addition NPCs are allowed to sleep inside our walk in basement Monster camp, where a small number of mattresses are available. In the event of a colder event, sleeping is available in the heated tavern to ensure comfort. In addition a small number or portable heaters are available to heat up the tents for sleeping.

Restrooms - We have porta potties that are delivered fresh before each game. In addition we currently have 2 Bathrooms that will be limitedly available, one located in Monster Camp in the Basement and another available by request in the Hunter's Cabin.

Gameplay - Alliance Raleigh runs modules and story lines Friday night until roughly Midnight - 1 am, some modules started before 1 am may continue until finished but no new modules will be started, with game play resuming after breakfast (served from 8-9am). There is an additional break around lunch time and card reset happens during the dinner break. Saturday night ends roughly around 10 - 11 pm . Sunday Modules will start around 9 am Sunday aiming to have 2 module periods Sunday to finish up the event, with clean up starting between 11am - noon.. Anyone that stays on site to assist with clean up is granted a 30 Goblin Stamp thank you as well as an invite to join us at the local dinner for afters. Alliance Raleigh does not provide any plot, or Modules during the designated rest times. These times will be obvious in game (for an in game reason) and our lighting will change during this time to make it obvious.

Lightning - Our site can get dark as we are far enough out from light pollution(even neighbors) to provide a really natural lightning experience, so we ask you be sure to bring your light reps for comfort. We have a number of solar powered large lights already that provide lightning during the night and can be moved to provide light for modules and the pc sleeping/town area itself is well lit but having your own light for comfort/safety is suggested.

Memberships - Please note your first event each year in Alliance Raleigh comes with a $5 discount as well as a mandatory $5 yearly membership fee. (it's a legal coverage thing as we are a private group) You do not have to do anything to deal with this as we'll apply the matching discount and fee for you.

Pre-registration for this event should be completed over on the CMA: Pre-registrations should include needed tags, production, magic items, and any food allergies. Pre-registration will be open until Tuesday the 3rd, you can prepay via paypal to

Pre-registration due date - All pre-regs must be in no later than Monday August 1st at 11:59 pm EST to qualify for the discount, if you are coming and do not make this deadline please ensure to register so we know you are coming and can prepare appropriately for you.
Current Pre-registrations List


Green means you are all set and fully pre-registered, if your name is not green you still owe us either a cut down card or completing the pre-registration questions.

1.) Heinricht (David E.)
2.) Roland (Brody D.)
3.) Dowoe (Wesley C.)
4.) Skoldr (Adam S.)
5.) Gillie (Hailey S.)
6.) Silas (Austin H.)
7.) Faustian (Jonathon S.)
8.) Hari (Vargr E.)


1.) Jessica G.
2.) David G.
3.) Honeybee C.
4.) Ally V.

Rental Weapons Available

Long Swords - 2/3
Short Claws - 4/4
Short Sword - 0/1
Shields - 1/2
Polearm - 1/1
Two Handed Sword - 1/1
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