PASS President's Rules Proposal: Fade From Party

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Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager
Full Text Change:
Fade from Party

At all times, members of Alliance LARP should feel safe, even if their character does not. A player can always remove themself from an in-game status for safety, medical, emotional, or personal reasons.

Examples of reasons a player may need to or want to Fade from Party include but are not limited to:
Physical or emotional pain
or any other personal reasons that are disruptive to a player's safety or comfort in a scene.

Chapters may utilize mechanics where the faded player’s fate is tied to an individual. For example: the player who has Faded From Party chooses another on the mod to “tie” their fate to. If that player resurrects or utilizes the Regeneration ritual, the faded player does as well.

To clearly denote that a player has faded from the party and should only be approached by staff or requested person(s), they should don a white headband as soon as they are able.

When the player returns to the game, they shall not be ostracized or penalized, in or out of game. This policy is intended as a safety measure for members who need to exit a scene for Out of Game reasons, and shall not be used to escape or otherwise avoid an In Game situation. The choice to Fade from the Party is always in the hands of the player.

If a player decides they need to Fade from Party, they will:
Call or clearly indicate a need to Fade from Party
Physically and completely leave the location of the scene by walking away with hands on their head
Don a white headband as soon as it is available or safe to do so

A staff member shall immediately be informed if they are not aware of the situation. One person - player character or NPC - should quickly and safely locate and inform a staff member. All other players should carry on as normal. A staff member may check in with the player, and may inform medical or a person designated by the player if necessary or desired.

If and when the player is ready to return to the game, they should speak with a staff member or NPCs to determine how best to reintegrate with the scene or module.

Summary: Adds Fade From Party, a mechanic by which a player can exit (temporarily or fully) from a module for Out of Game reasons.

Vote: President's Rules Proposal: Fade From Party [PASS - 87.5%]
The following chapters voted for this rule: Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, California-Arizona, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this rule: Atlanta
The following chapters abstained from this vote: Crossroads

Synopsis of conversations: Arguments against the change included concern regarding consent of the person a player's fate is being tied to, and the lack of explicit consideration in the policy as written. An explanation was given that the importance of consent is not sidestepped by the proposal because Consent is a core part of the Code of Ethics. Another concern raised was that the policy explicitly dictates how a Fade From Party should occur, which requires physical actions that may exclude players that freeze in response to stressors or cannot comfortably communicate their need to Fade to encounter heads.
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