Primal Elementals


A planar war is brewing. I would like to compile a list of known elemental habits. Combination of elements can increase their power. Air plus flame makes scarier flame. Elemental game seems to work, except when it doesn't. For example with the Air Elementals.

Stone: Occasionally swings very hard, that pushed through blocks.

Smoke: When it launches elemental energy at you, each hit raises the power of the next one.

Air: Seems to only attack things that aren't moving, or that attack it.

Water: Swing for very little damage until hit. Then seem to begin swinging for whatever they were hit for.

Ice: Launches ice damage. No other known quirks.

I'm only focused on the more mindless 'primal' elementals that adventures might encounter when cleaning up damage caused by the war.

Anything else to add to the list?

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The elemental plane of Air and Fire is Smoke, which also sounds more like your description of what "Flame" elementals do... It's hard to breathe on the Plane of Smoke, and as a result the smoke that builds up around you and what you breathe into your lungs makes things more and more painful over time.

That being said, elementals act differently on the prime plane than they do on their own plane, so Flame elementals may indeed act in this way while on Kundirk.

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri Newberry
Thank you Banradi.

The elementals we ran into were wild as well. They are like animals of the plane they are from in a way. You cannot talk to them, you cannot make deals with them, but you can trick them.

The only elementals that isn't on this list that I have faced are vacuum elementals. They start small and then hit you harder the more you do to them. They can also use abilities that are used on them, or even near them. Wild vacuum elementals may work slightly differently but it should be similar in scope.

If any group finds a tear to vacuum, let us all know IMMEDIATELY!!!
