Problems in the Community of South Millbrooke


“They're eatin our crops, killin' our livestock and setting up camp. Next thing ya know they're gonna take over the town! Can someone please deal with these barbarians?”
-Farmer Dale
“You think you got it bad? At least you got crops to eat! Seems my whole cornfield is startin' to wither. Maybe it's somethin' in the water?
-Farmer Bob
“I saw one of them barbarians the other day. They dress strange and talk funny. They make me frightfully nervous.”
-Rancher Sara
“Some of our livestock has taken ill. Has the water supply been poisoned?”
-Resdon Korg, co-owner of Korg farms
“Please, disregard my husband's speculating. I am sure Bob's sick crops and our sick livestock have no connection. We only lost three chickens and let's be honest, Bob likes to drink. Think about it people, if the water was poisoned, wouldn't we start getting sick too? I think it's for the best that we focus on the real problem, the barbarians...”
-Miath Korg, owner of Korg farms
Well, barbarian's is one thing, but I tell you, I saw, and I swear on my mother's funeral pyre, I swears I saw a whole mess 'o dark elves in the woods! My woods.. like just over my south fence. They had bows and arrows and who knows what they was up to! I thought they were illegal?
