Production points / goblin stamps questions


Hi all

I am new and may have a chance to come to the July game admittedly late Friday evening, the question I have is my armor wont be ready in time, is it allowable to use goblin stamps etc to purchase armor when I come into my second game (August) or would I have to build up in game copper till I can afford to have a blacksmith or the merchants guild supply me armor. The alternative would be just to try to npc the July game and come in in August when I have my armor ready.
Thanks for your time
Hi all

I am new and may have a chance to come to the July game admittedly late Friday evening, the question I have is my armor wont be ready in time, is it allowable to use goblin stamps etc to purchase armor when I come into my second game (August) or would I have to build up in game copper till I can afford to have a blacksmith or the merchants guild supply me armor. The alternative would be just to try to npc the July game and come in in August when I have my armor ready.
Thanks for your time

Yes, you can spend GS (Goblin stamps) to purchase an armor tag. You can also use in game coin, and buy from players or the merchant's guild (a few PC groups have extra tags).

Really for best bang for your buck, it kind of depends what your armor is going to rate out at.

10 Points: 2 silver base, 3-4 silver max to buy.
15 Points: 4 silver base, 6-8 silver max to buy.
20 Points: 6 Silver base, 9-12 silver max to buy.
25 Points: 8 silver base, 12-16ish silver max to buy.

5 silver is pretty typical on the LOW LOW end of amount of coin you'd earn in a weekend if you're active. We also have a pretty generous player base, if you make good friends IG you may get some help. However, if you can come armored at all - even stuff like, bracers and a few other things your first game - you'll get an armor tag that you can use temporarily, and may be worth some trade in at the merchant's guild to offset some cost.

Really, GS vs Coin in game - armor is available to purchase pretty easily. Stuff like potions that you can use GS for, or scrolls - not as common.

At the same time, NPCing is a great way to learn about the game atmosphere and the rules set, and will give you that buffer to walk in with a free set of decently expensive armor. Plus, you'd be able to have the same XP/Build earned on your character's sheet from it, as if you attended as a PC.

So really, the buying the armor later is doable for sure with a bit of luck and some work, but NPCing is also a great idea. You can't go wrong either way.

TPO Frank

Also: Welcome!
"TPO" is Porch's private code for "the player of" by the way. Took me awhile to get used to that one. :)
