Promise of the voices after The Shattering...

I am concerned if anyone has seen or heard anything from or of those lost returning.... I worry my young son returning and being alone... Maybe scared ...
So I beg- has anyone heard anything about the promise of the voices? Our loved ones returning?

In Service,

I am sorry for zee nightmare you have to endure because of zis. I know it is no comfort to you but zee promises of those dreams are just promises... Not reality.

I know many of us would wish to see these promises made whole, I know the lure of days gone by, of missed loved ones but those promises are jest an insidious way of pushing you to make zee mistakes of accepting zis new threat. Zee reflection of za promises is zee nightmare of losing freedom, loved ones, and everything else you care about...

Misinformation vill run deep about zee power responsible for zuch dreams and nightmares... I no not myself what is true or not but I know zat all of it will get much worse before it gets better.

I vish I had better news. I really do but stay strong and do not bend your will for glorious promises... Zey are lies.

Jehan Wyldweaver