Props making parties announced!!!


Gettysburg Staff
We will be working on props for the live action role-play game Alliance. Its a lot of fun and there will be a good opportunity to learn more about this fun game. We can use the help to get things ready for the beginning of the season. For more information, check out: in our events section and for directions to the store.

The following dates are what I have scheduled at the store for making props:

Saturday January 24th (Noon – 10pm)
Saturday February 7th (Noon – 10pm)
Thursday February 12th (Noon – 10pm)
Monday March 2nd (Noon – 10pm)
Sunday March 15th (Noon – 8pm)

In all cases we need donations and could really use the following items to get our weapons back into shape:

Contact Cement
Open Cell Foam (2” or 2 ½ “thick)
Duct Tape, Duct Tape, Duct Tape. (Silver, Black and Brown)
5/8th” Closed Cell Pipe Foam Insulation.
Monetary Donations
Spare Leather Belts, Pouches, Straps
Spirit Gum

Our store address is:

The Adventurer's Guild
3878 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg Pa 17109
(717) 561-8140

For driving directions to the store:;_ylc=X3oDMTExNmI ... %252017109

and our store hours are: Monday - Thursday: Noon - 9pm / Friday - Saturday: Noon - 10pm / Sunday: Noon - 6pm

For any questions you might have and want to talk to me directly email me at and put "Props" at the beginning of the header.
Awesome Rich. You can also expect an email after our plot meeting this week about other stuff we'll need for this season :)
i know at least 3 people who will be coming from the lancaster area for at least some of these. can't friggen wait.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love our props crew?

Rich is an organization mastermind, among other things, and he builds some incredible props. Everyone who helps with weapons, sewing, props... anything. It's all appreciated.

We've been trying our best to make sure our NPCs are well outfitted and that our mods and other encounters are as enriching as possible. So thank you to all of you who build, sew, donate, or contribute in any way to this wonderful shared vision of ours!
Oh sure pick days I can't come. :P That's it when I see you word: mocha. You know. Seriously, see you sometime before the 3rd and go go props!
I will definitely be there, and can't wait to see everyone who attends. I hate being the guy who asks this question, but will there be gobbies awarded for what we produce or donate? Also, I might have two people coming with me who are not yet members and who don't have characters, but are just interested in learning and potentially joining this season. If there are gobbies awarded, can they get them, and just hold those vouchers until actually making characters?
