Props nights in Harrisburg, Pa


Gettysburg Staff
we are planning on doing a props night at the store on Wednesday Night, March 4th all day till 9:00pm. We will also be doing another Props night on Saturday, March 15th from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm any questions on how to get to the store (The Adventuer's Guild) can be directed to me by e-mail or phone.

- Rich Ditzler

The Adventurers Guild (Meeting place)
5570 Derry St.
Harrisburg, Pa 17111

Bring yourself or bring your donations! lets get this season kicked off!
Once again the month of march causes problems, how long will we stand for this affront to our ability to schedule!?
What goes on at prop nights?
and is it the 4th or the 6th?

and if leep year adds one day why would the mistake in the dates be two days ;)

the 15th still stands, and yes it would have been the 5th of March.
Props Day on Saturday (March 15th) will focus on refitting weapons (what is left) making shields. clothing inventory and tagging (If we have tags by then) the making of additional tabbards, and maybe a little fighter practice outside after the work is done.
I really plan on getting this kicked off around noon and run till people cant help anymore. We would love to see you come out and earn a few gobbies before the new season begins.