

I was wondering for my Orc Warrior Costume would it be ok to use prostetics due to the fact I know a person to help supply me with them from my fall job.Along with an overbite bottom jaw?
In addition, as long as you are green and have the tusks, you can pretty much do whatever you want, as long as you look Orcy enough.

i.e. don't prosthetic yourself into looking like either a green version of another PC race and don't get yourself to the point where you look like a monster of some sort. Though some of that last part will vary based on the chapter you are in.
Well could you define monsterish? because i was thinking of increasing the brow size and changing the nose and getting pointed ears soooo.... or would that be a no no?and i found a site that has teeth that i could use for tusks.
Pig type noses are a no-no. as for brow, I don't think that would be an issue. But you'd really need to check with your local chapter. If you have a picture of what you're looking at doing (such as from the people you're buying the prostectics from) it would help.