Protected Dreams

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Chicago Staff
Valamaeus was a loyal follower, he was in every sense a part of me left behind on Terna, slowly forming in the dreams and nightmares each and everyday until my voice was able to piece him together to start anew. However, he is gone. Jaburan Jaoquin, Father Boemanne, and now Valamaeus, all loyal followers who only wanted the best for each and every person in the world.

and you erased them from the world. Dear, Sweet Echidna is next I assume. However you will not break her resolve. She is fully devote to the cause, to ensure peace across not only The Ternian Empire but all. However, it is clear now that you do not want a utopia. Cyn labeled me as a monster; yet as I listened to her go on and on I noticed something swell within her...anger, hatred, loathing.

I had it all wrong.

I have been trying to convince you all of something you will never embrace, because you are all against the people of this very world. In order for wars to end, death to cease and happiness to prevail one must rid what is plaguing the land of such things.

It's you. Each and everyone of you want to bring sadness to this world.

I still feel you can be saved, each and everyone of you can come over to the side of peace, unity, tranquility. I can not lose hope. If I can not show you, perhaps SHE can.

As for this Vault, it just proves my suspicions of ill intent are true. This vault must merge back with the realm of normal dreams. Excuse me, I have work to do...

- Kaz'ik

[Those within the Vault feel the dreams within begin to merge with the normal Dreamscape, making public the dreams within]
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