PTD Skill Clarification - Part Two: the Resurrection

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Chicago Staff
Subject: PTD Skill Handedness Clarification

Would like to add a further question to the PTD Quandary. In the book, it doesn't say whether after one declares a PTD if one can use other game skills, ¿is this legal? That is, can Templar Tony declare his Slay, ineffectually swing his Slay a couple times, cast a Bind spell, and THEN land his Slay? Will the casting of a Spell (use of a Magic Item, drinking of a Potion, use of First Aid, etc. - ie, any other Game Skill besides another PTD) cancel his Active PTD?

This is in addition to Rob's initial question regarding whether or not swinging regular damage while having an active PTD cancels the effect. Thanks.
As specified in the rulebook, only other Prepare To Die skills (and Assassinate/Terminate) interrupt active Prepare To Die skills. Activating other skills (such as casting a spell) will not interrupt an ongoing Prepare To Die skill (though as noted in the rulebook, swinging for damage normally will interrupt it).

There are of course other things which would interrupt such a skill (such as death).

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
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