Purchase and Rent of Ritual Scrolls


Good day,

While I realize these items are of great value, it is nearly impossible to buy and sell without, at the very least, asking. I am interested in the purchase of the following ritual scrolls, useable in these lands: Bane, Cloak, Channel, and Expanded Enchant. I have magical items of various potency, other scrolls, and of course, coin, available.

I am also quite interested in the rental of a Limited Circle of Power and Investiture scroll at some point in the next few weeks, for Spellcrafting (and immediately returning) purposes, as well as a Permanence scroll, for the purpose of copying it.

Please contact me through whatever means is convienient to you,

~Joshua Darion
Joshua is famous for borrowing items without returning them intentionally, with the excuse of he'll do it later because he great inertia keeps him from moving.

If you make a deal with Joshua, I would highly recommend doing it in front of a noble, and not take any I.O.U.s. Well, I actually would avoid making any deals with him, because your more likely going to loose less money chucking gases at goblins.

May you find honest friends in the darkness,

I have always found my dealings with Joshua to be quite profitable. Perhaps you weren't fully aware of your role in the deal you were making? Either way another lesson learned on your part.

Forever in your debt,
First lesson learned, if the Celestral caster is too dumb to realize how to cast a ward with himself in it, you prob shouldn't invest him anyway. Second lesson learned, if you are running away from something trying to kill you, make sure there are at least two to three feet in between you and your "companion" as they just might kick your leg out from under you to help themselves get away. Third lesson learned, it is not that difficult to replace what is taken from you if they are just scrolls. Fourth lesson learned, when you can't be hurt by a death elemental, it's not as difficult to get them to cry as you'd think. Fifth lesson yet to be learned, are you still balding or have they made an alchemical remedy for that yet? Oh Wishell, you are someone I haven't thought of for years. We should catch up on old times.
