pys rep bottle

please help, im trying to find the pys rep bottle for potions, either the one with the ring on the cap, as shown so i can put it on my ring, or
one without is fine, thanks
I'm not exactly sure where you get them, but get the thin kind that come with bubbles in them to start. The little bubble sticks are great to wrap the tags around so that they don't get stuck in the bottles! ^_^
you're a genius!!! i never thought of the bubble blowing bottles!!! doh!!!
oh i was using these little tubes that "seed beeds" come in ...the lids have holes so they hang on the little metal posts all in their color coding sections at the store...i bought a ton of the empty tubes at the local REstore....its a store that sells stuff that other craft places throw away...but bubbles bottles have the little hole you can pull the tag out with!!! thats just ingenius! thats the hardest thing to deal with is getting the tag out...
alot of people use the tubes from when you buy a rose the little water tube that is at the bottom with a rubber stopper...everyone uses their own things...
yeah! i thought about that rose thing this morning when i was waking up and trying to think of the times i might have seen em. i appreciate ur help with this people.