Q Elf Ears

Woochie makes an Ape ear. It might be called something else, but it's made to go with an Ape face prosthetic they have. I was talking in another thread about how I was going to use them for a Rat scavvy that I have since abandoned for other concepts.
wish i could see that pic...i'm banned from looking at streaming media!
OWWWWWWWWWWWWW...why would you do that???? thats just gotta hurt! and...affect your hearing...ears are designed to be little sound picker uppers....you start messing with it and OUCH....

but seriously how do you explain that to your grandkids?

hunny...gram gram is part vulcan...no wait ..i'm just kidding i'm part elf...no really just kidding sweetheart gram gram was just a wealthy idiot when she was younger....

no offence to those of you who would want to do that to yourself...I just gotta wonder what it will be like when you're older...thats all....i mean there's a certain part of your life you get to when decorating yourself with piercings and tattoos and flesh alterations that means you're limited to a certain type of job for the rest of your life ya know?
Out here on the best coast, that would not necessarily limit you in your job... well, unless you were looking to be a high priced, conservative business person or something. Of course that's where the real money is, but it's not all about money, right? RIGHT? Come on, someone tell me it's not all about the money!

Still - I think it's kind of cool that she had it done. She's definitely going with what she wants to do with her life. Perhaps a little more drastically than I would (no ink and only ears pierced and re-grown, despite many years in the street punk scene in the 80's and 90's), but I was never able to find anything I would want when I was 90.

Oh, and I totally would accept that as elf ears. Her race would be obvious from 15 feet.
tattoos are FINE if you can hide them with normal clothing OR if you really can do what you want with the rest of your life with tats showing..piercings are the same way...

i just think alot of people do things to themselves with their brains only in the here and now...

the west coast is a bit more accepting of oddities...but honestly if i had tats showing and piercings showing i couldn't work where i do and i work for a waste removal company...there is a girl who has a tat that shows its very red necky nothing pretty or artistic and no one really says anything but i bet if she had come in for a job interview with it showing she wouldn't work here now...
I don't think it's really any different than people who get Alliance/NERO tatoos. I'm getting one soon. But it's still something that I will want when I'm ninety. Some of the old school players are getting "Order of the Emerald Flame" tats.
on your face?
well i think you can still get a job with a tat that normal clothes will hide...its the face and hands that amaze me...ginny at caldaria has tats down her arm and she's a pharmacist...i always wondered what the person that interviewed her thought of them...maybe i just really live in the back woods redneck area where tats = satanists or something
What's worse is when you see people with the same tatoo. Like this past week, i saw three people who have that "life/death" thing on them in the same general area in the same lettering.
got a special on roses with a dagger through it and a drop of blood from the tip of the dagger...$24.99

also i can do a dark blue or black tear drop coming from your eye for $7.99

There's a coupon for $10 off on the following LOVE/HATE on the knuckles of your fingers and with the mail in rebate you pay only $26.