Question about trading in


Alliance Logistics
Alliance Owner
According to the "Ritual System Update!!" topic,
1)Any existing Minor Construct rituals get traded in for Construct rituals and any Major Construct rituals get traded in for Master Construct rituals.
2)Players in possession of a Major Construct catalyst will be given the choice of it becoming either a Master Construct Ritual Catalyst or a Construct Ritual Catalyst. Going forward, the catalysts for Master Construct and Construct will be separate catalysts that are issued according to current catalyst policy.

Will there be a cut off date to change these in? Also do I have to do these in person?
and who do we contact about it, Michelle?

and... is there a formal procedure for requesting new rit scrolls? I'm not sure which scrolls are new and which are old, and if we're allowed to request new copies with the correct wording on them or not.
Yes if You need to trade out construct scrolls email me at Ashburygm AT gmail DOT com.
thanks, and what is HQ's policy on trading in other scrolls?

are you saying that only the construct scrolls can be traded in currently?
I will post a full response when I get home (typing this on the phone) but the only ones that must be traded are construct scrolls and catalysts.

I know there were more changes but a lot were minor verbiage clean up. I will review and let you all know.