Question: Elemental Burst Ritual

norman b

So I want to say this is obvious, but I just thought I would ask to make sure I'm not crazy (really I'm not....?).

LCO Elemental Burst Ritual is a single ritual scroll, but it can create multiple effects (the same effect multiple times). Do these multiple "charges" count as separate rituals for an item/LCO limit or, since it was a singular scroll, does it count as one ritual?

I want to say that each /day use of it counts a new rituals, I.E. 50 burst 3/day counts as a 3 ritual item/LCO ritual limit.

Upon reading the LCO policy, my understanding is that 50 burst 3/day would be one ritual. Three castings of 50 burst 1/day would be three rituals. @__@
"Each Charge takes up a Ritual Slot on an item (such as 3 charges will take up 3 slots of an items 20 available Ritual Slots)."

Unless you've removed that line from the scroll in the LCO version? If so that should probably be called out.
Thanks Stephen!