Questions about magic


A Bless will increase you max body points by 5. Do you then need to get a Cure ____ Wounds? Example say I have a maximum body points of 10 but I have recently taken damage so I am now at 3 I get a Bless. Where is my current body points at and where is my maximum body at?

Also when is the Bless lost? When the 5 extra points have been used up? Example my normall max Body Points is 10 I get a Bless and than am at 15. I take 2 points of damage. Can I take a Cure light Wounds and be back at 15?

Second question. The Cause _______ Wounds (necromantic) and the Cause _______ Damage (Alchemy Elixir or Gas) both say "It does not affect armor" does this mean that it will bypass armor?

A bless gives you 5 temporary body. You do not need a cure wounds to get up to the increase. In your example, you would be at 8 but still could receive a cure light wounds and a cure wounds to get you back up to 15.

Bless is lost first after damage goes through armor. You can not cure back the lost points from a bless unless its with another bless, i.e. the new bless overrides the old one.

That is correct on the cause wounds and cause damage. Not affecting armor means it goes straight to body.