Questions about Rituals


What does it mean to Spellcrafting a ritual? How do you get ritual scrolls, are they only found as treasure or can they be crafted like magic scrolls/potions/armor? How many rituals may be placed on an item? If the Damage Aura you can purchase through logistics is flawed so it does not confer the ‘Magic’ carrier, how do you get the ‘Magic’ carrier onto a weapon?
Spellcrafting means you spend less components to create a shorter, temporary effect of the spell, like having a circle of power that only lasts 5 days. This also does not use up the ritual scroll.

Scrolls can be found in-game. There is one exception, it is a Copy Ritual Scroll scroll. Pretty self explanitory. The other way Out-of-game is to purchase them with goblin stamps. This list is limited to your chapter specific list.

You can have a max of 20 rituals on any given item.

You get a magic carrier by either finding a non-purchasable ritual for damage aura or finding someone to cast a magic blade spell on you. Magic blade only lasts for 10 minutes though.
Page 139 of the ARB explains Spellcrafting fairly well. There is a free PDF copy available here.

Spellcrafting means you spend less components to create a shorter, temporary effect of the spell, like having a circle of power that only lasts 5 days. This also does not use up the ritual scroll.

To add on to Norm's response, Spellcrafting does not consume the scroll, but consumes some number of components instead; spellcrafting information is ALWAYS listed on the scroll in the "Spellcrafting" section of the scroll - if it cannot be spellcrafted, it will specifically say, "This ritual my NOT be spellcrafted." And as he noted, it gives a much shorter duration/effect of the scroll - usually 24 hours.

Scrolls can be found in-game. There is one exception, it is a Copy Ritual Scroll scroll. Pretty self explanitory. The other way Out-of-game is to purchase them with goblin stamps. This list is limited to your chapter specific list.

Scrolls that travel (referred to as "Restricted" scrolls) are always found in-game. LCO scrolls (scrolls whose product(s) will not freely travel to other chapters), may be found in-game, but can also be purchased for Goblin Stamps (the ritual purchase list has all of the scrolls you can purchase in Oregon for said Goblin Stamps).

You can have a max of 20 rituals on any given item.

Note this also includes extenders (rituals that make other rituals last longer than a year).
Btw, Spellcrafting lasts 5 days, not 24 hours.
Btw, Spellcrafting lasts 5 days, not 24 hours.

True, though there are exceptions.

The Summon rituals (Elememental, extra planar creature, Undead, magical creature, etc.) have a spellcraft durations of 1 hour, all other rituals have a standard duration of 5 days.

However, it is always possible for plot staff to alter scroll specific information, so it's always a good idea to consult the scroll - it is the end-all be-all for rules regarding a specific ritual - and it will tell you exactly how long a spellcraft will last, and give you all the other info you need as well.