

I've been taking time and going over old posts on the boards, and I've come across a few things that I have questions about. Any response is appreciated

What is the average attendance for an event?

What is the average age range for attendees?

Do you only have overnight/campout events, or are single day modules set up, as well?

What ARE "gobbies", anyway?

I've noticed comments about a tavern service in the past. Having performed the sacred duties of tavernkeep in the past, this is something that interests me. Is there a current tavern service in effect for events?

Are character backgrounds required to stay within the confines of the current NERO game world, or are extra planar/dimensional backgrounds acceptable? If yes, what methods are available for extra planar/dimensional travel in the NERO gameworld?

The info that I've read about the game site is pretty great, how many cabins are available, and is the site used year round?

Is there a contact for players in and around the Portland area (an LJ community, Yahoo group, etc)?

Gobbies....sounds vaguly dirty, yet refreshingly rewarding at the same time! So what are they, anyway?

Got room for an over the hill, out of shape Orc bodyguard character? :balance:

More questions to come, I'm sure!
Speaking as a player, not a staff member (thus I don't have authoritative stats on attendance, for example):

Average attendance I would guess at between 40 and 70. Depends on the site and time of year.

Average age? Well, the range goes from 6 to mid-30s. Average age I would guess to be 20 or early 20s.

Most events are weekend events (Friday evening through Sunday midday) at sites around Puget Sound, mostly at a site near Olympia. There are some single-day modules run in various parks in Seattle and North Seattle.

"Gobbies" are Goblin Stamps -- essentially "donation points" that you get for helping out the chapter. They can be used for many things, listed in the rulebook.

There's no official "tavern service". There is, at times, various PCs or NPCs who work in the tavern, but only rarely do any of them actually provide food or drink. Most players are on their own for food although NPC camp provides food for their people.

Plot would have to answer about backgrounds. They're *encouraged* to be in the current NERO gameworld, at the least.

The main site we use is very nice -- heated cabins and lots of them. There are about 16 to 20 cabins, of which a cluster of 3 or 4 is used by NPC camp and for modules -- the rest are open to PCs. There is also a central tavern building with a full camp kitchen.

No official contact for Portland players. Most of us know each other and many hang out at various times in an OOG fashion. We'd be happy to meet and greet newcomers to the area.

When you come up, I would recommend making some IG postings as your character in the Dreamscape to introduce yourself. If you're looking for a hire, that's a good way to get one.

A few more

On the matter of potions
If I'm reading correctly, for a potion or poison to be usable IG, then it myst be phys repped in an actual vial/container. (Finally! Having an ex room mate who was a phlebotimist comes in handy!!) Is this true also for thrown poisons /potions as well? (locally, we use popsicle sticks for the phys reps, and green spell packets exclusively for thrown poisons. Not as much realism with the sticks, but far handier to cart around!)

Scrolls...well, scrolls is crolls, no questions there

IG travel: Horses, wagons, teleport circles, flying monkeys of doom?

Magic decay: There is a local rule that magic items have an expiration date of so many months. Is this the case in Gianeria, or NERO at large, as well?

Weapon info and construction is included in the rulebook. Hopefully my current weapons past muster for the new location :poke:

Could some of the players of Gypsy characters toss me a private line at my personal mail? I've got some questions for y'all
Potions, as you note, need to be physrepped with a vial that holds at least 1/4 oz. It doesn't necessarily have to actually hold liquid, but it needs that much volume. Thrown gas globes are represented by orange packets (any other color is just plain "mana" for spellcasters). The packet itself is the physrep.

Scrolls do have a minimum size requirement -- 16 square inches I believe (8"x2" is the usual format).

IG travel is done through a variety of means. While we'd all prefer to have flying monkeys of doom, they're so hard to get ahold of these days. Most IG travel happens through "the mists" which allow someone to travel from one land to another, either consciously or against their will as the case may be. Within a land, there are caravans, ships, and rituals that will transport a person from one place to another.

Magic items may or may not have an expiration date. Most expire within 1 year, some last for 5 years, but a few are "permanent duration". The rules for this are set for the entire NERO Alliance such that for a magic item to travel from one chapter to another it must follow certain rules (no "super shooting 10,000 fireballs a day with +15 enhancement" weapons!).

Harp said:
Could some of the players of Gypsy characters toss me a private line at my personal mail? I've got some questions for y'all
You can PM me about Gypsy questions! You can also PM Kerjal Obcidian about them too. I think we are the two oldest gypsies who frequent the board. :stooges:
Wonderful! We speak soon. Everyone's been extremely helpful with me, and I appreciate it.
Now, about those flying monkeys of doom........