I've been taking time and going over old posts on the boards, and I've come across a few things that I have questions about. Any response is appreciated
What is the average attendance for an event?
What is the average age range for attendees?
Do you only have overnight/campout events, or are single day modules set up, as well?
What ARE "gobbies", anyway?
I've noticed comments about a tavern service in the past. Having performed the sacred duties of tavernkeep in the past, this is something that interests me. Is there a current tavern service in effect for events?
Are character backgrounds required to stay within the confines of the current NERO game world, or are extra planar/dimensional backgrounds acceptable? If yes, what methods are available for extra planar/dimensional travel in the NERO gameworld?
The info that I've read about the game site is pretty great, how many cabins are available, and is the site used year round?
Is there a contact for players in and around the Portland area (an LJ community, Yahoo group, etc)?
Gobbies....sounds vaguly dirty, yet refreshingly rewarding at the same time! So what are they, anyway?
Got room for an over the hill, out of shape Orc bodyguard character? :balance:
More questions to come, I'm sure!
What is the average attendance for an event?
What is the average age range for attendees?
Do you only have overnight/campout events, or are single day modules set up, as well?
What ARE "gobbies", anyway?
I've noticed comments about a tavern service in the past. Having performed the sacred duties of tavernkeep in the past, this is something that interests me. Is there a current tavern service in effect for events?
Are character backgrounds required to stay within the confines of the current NERO game world, or are extra planar/dimensional backgrounds acceptable? If yes, what methods are available for extra planar/dimensional travel in the NERO gameworld?
The info that I've read about the game site is pretty great, how many cabins are available, and is the site used year round?
Is there a contact for players in and around the Portland area (an LJ community, Yahoo group, etc)?
Gobbies....sounds vaguly dirty, yet refreshingly rewarding at the same time! So what are they, anyway?
Got room for an over the hill, out of shape Orc bodyguard character? :balance:
More questions to come, I'm sure!