Quick ?'s for Bev and Dave. ^_^


mkay, so, i have a few ?'s for Bev, and just a short one or two for Dave.

For Bev, for the cloak that you are making for me,
how much extra would it cost for me to put some trim on the edges ect?
How much would it be to put small patch type things on the inside of it that would be big enough to fit the throwing weapons in?

For Dave,
I tried making the throwing weapons that i was experimenting with at the Alliance event from earlier in the month, i failed horrifically somehow, i was going to ask if you knew how to make them correctly. (this ? could technically be for Matt too i think)
Also, i have an Inquery on some Guantlets, and some Leather shoes.

get back to me whenever, im not in a rush lol. ^_^

thanks lots.

I need more info. The trim cost depends on what trim you want and where all you want it. The patch price depends on how much and what type of material it will need. Do you want something like pockets, loops, or a velcro strap? If pockets, what size are the daggers going to be? How many do you want? The more info I can get from you the more precise I can be with my quote.

Let me know.

As for the throwing weapons you could send me or Togashin a Pm...u trying to make throwing daggers? rocks, javlins? or *ninja disks* hehe i can help :P

i couldnt detail it well in words, but the straps might have to be velcro, im thinking the daggers would be roughly the size of the throwing ones used at the event (if that is what the straight throwing weps were), and large enough to hold the Thrown Axes too. im hoping to be able to hold maybe 6 or so weapons for throwing on each side that would be easily accessible, hence inside the cloak so noone could see em O_o

im sure given an hour or so of sit down i may be able to draw it or explain it using actual words, im more of a physical talker, like pointing at things and say there! lol, i realize that doesnt help you though, so my apologies. ^_^

but im in no big rush to get it, so we will deff. have time to discuss it.

as for the trim, i have no clue what most fabric is even called, i just point and say hey thats cool lol, but it would be brown, and would only really be on the middle part that separates the front of the cloak, like right down the middle.


i am ENTIRELY unsure as to how i failed so hardcore, it wouldnt go farther than 3-5 feet lol, and the ones i was using at the event were really nice, i need to find out how to make those, or possibly even throwing Disk's, sort of like Chakrams O_o just throwing weapons lol, but not rocks.....Javelins might be a very nice touch though O_o....hell....i just like using amassed amounts of throwing weapons lol makes me feel like a ninja xD