Quite possible I may be creating my own game...


I hope all of you are doing well.

As said, I am currently in the works of creating my own game. It's based heavily on a game I've seen played elsewhere. However as of right now, the game currently APPEARS difficult to play as it involves a lot of figuring and math. I may be able to make it more simple, but before I create this game, I am first interested in seeing how many of you would be interested in such a game. I would hate to spend a long period of time making this game only for nobody to be interested in playing. The more simple part could happen, but I do not yet know how simple I would be able to make it, so if you are bad with numbers, this definitely would not be a game for you.
Whoever is dreaming this, know that I am always interested in a contest of skill or wit. Though I warn you, as a human you may grow bored of my vast patience in any game.
Hunter Davion
I'd be interested as well. Though I warn you, as an elf you may grow bored of my vast patience in any game.

I apologize, this is Brother Icey. I often forget to mark my dreams.

All-in-all, as I do have 2 others interested I will go ahead and further the development of the game. I will hopefully have it ready by next Market Day. I merely need to do a little more research. I hope to see you two soon. This game was meant to be played mainly for just 3 people, but I can modify it for more if more people are interested.
I also may be interested in this game. While I am sure I don't have the patience of a tree, I am sure my skill will more than compensate for it. I look forward to such a challenge when I am in the area again.

So the Elf and the Dryad have patience, and the Biata has skill, whilst that leaves me with the advantage of me creating the game.

Anyways, I've currently worked out the harder difficulties, but now I have to ask of you before I create the field of the game, I require how long do you wish the game to last? I can add or take out certain features to the game to make it longer or shorter, but I'm sure some of you would also enjoy some adventuring instead of being stuck in the tavern playing my game for a long period of time.

In a long game though, we can kill anything that runs into the tavern trying to disrupt our contest. I am fine with any game under 4 hours.

Deoman, I am sending you an owl with a basic explanation of the game and a request to meet with you.

~Brother Icey.
I would prefer the game to last somewhere less than the lifetime of the Biata. I wish him to know that I have more skill than him, before he perishes of old age. Other than that, I am not picky.
Hunter Davion
I'm also not picky, although the second the town falls under attack my healing will go there. Though, I am more and more curious what this game is about.
Well yes, as a healer I too will be running off the second I hear that someone is down, I have no problem leaving the game behind for a few seconds.

It's a board game of sorts where you roll a die and move about the board and buy up what are called panels using cards and points. You score points if people land on your panels as well as hitting 4 different places on the board and then going back to the starting area. As of right now I've made the board abnormally large and needs to be redesigned. It's much better described in person as well as while playing it. I will be spending time away to work on this, and will not be able to join you for this 'Corporate Wizard' guy and whatever he wants.

If you do wish to know even more, it's probably best to explain it through personal messages rather then trying to convey my thoughts over the dream realm.

~Brother Icey