Now lets say I get plot approval to be a dinosaur kin in one chapter but another chapter didnt approve the request. Will that prevent me from traveling? Can you even make someone's pc an Lco?
There are limitations: The racial skills must
be announced and placed in the character database
at the time the character is created, and
the skills must make sense based on the type of
wylderkin being played. For example, a monkey
wylderkin may wish to purchase a Racial
Dodge; a snake wylderkin a Resist Poison; an
owl wylderkin a Resist Command; a polar bear
wylderkin a Resist Element.
This choice can be vetoed by your game’s
Plot Committee if it is inappropriate, and other
Alliance games have the right to refuse your
character’s skills if they are not reasonable.
Wasn't talking racial abilities.
The link covered it. Basically if I got one chapt to approve my Dino and the others say no then it basically locks the char as an Lco. And it would bleed over into nationals.
There is a ton of grey area in this subject but I guess no room for dramatic variety.