Racial Skills as Prerequisites

There have been a few different discussions about races and racial skills, and I wanted to draw everyone's attention to something. Racial skills do not contribute to build prerequisites, even when they are duplicating a class skill. To whit: Racial Dodge does not count as rogue build for meeting prerequisites. Any other similar skill (Racial Slay, Racial Parry, Racial Inproved Assassinate, Racial First Level Earth Spell, etc.) is the same.
Racial First Level Earth Spell is a thing?

Also, just confirming while I have your attention. Claws do count as a weapon skill for pre-req purposes of skills, correct? It is a slightly different question than the one you answered, so I just wanted to confirm one way or another.

No, it isn't. But as a hypothetical, if it were, it still would not be a scholar skill.

On the matter of claws being a weapon skill, I don't have a definitive answer. My personal feeling is very slightly against it, but only very slightly. I think there are compelling arguments for both sides. They certainly don't count as a class skill of any kind, but as a weapon skill I only have my gut answer, which isn't the same as an official ruling; it's more like 1/12th of an official ruling.
Just a notice: Claws are used by some characters currently as a pre-req for other skills. I've known at least one claws-only Fighter. They're also used by Monsters as well.
I had received the thumbs up when I made my Kin years ago that Claws do count as a weapon skill. I had only claws for probably 4 years as a rogue.
I would never tell a character that spends 8 build on Claws that they do not have a weapon skill. Otherwise you would devalue claws to the point of "why bother" purchase. Do they swing with them? Do they hit with them? Pretty sure that is a good definition of a weapon.
But... And I think I see what's being asked... They don't count as build spent toward "Fighter" skills for build limited skills. Correct?
Correct @MaxIrons I think the question is do they double as a "weapon skill" as well as a racial skill. They do not double (or triple) as a fighter skill as they are separated. There is no specific wording in the rules currently or 2.0 to clarify this.