Racial Transformation: Text clarification

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"This ritual transforms the race of a person, if that person has a spirit, into the player race of their choice. It will not change the basic appearance of the person except for the specific player race alterations, thus a person who race changes is still recognizable. Any racial skills of the target’s current race are lost but skills specific to the new race may be gained in their place depending on the inner strength of the spirit. In addition the target loses any skills that are more difficult to learn. The transforming player may relearn any skills lost due to the Racial Transformation ritual if the new race may learn them.

If the Race being transformed to cannot be the class of the target, or cannot have any skills they possess the Racial Transformation immediately fails."

These two bolded lines appear to be contradictory. The first one appears to imply that any skills more difficult to learn (including by impossibility) would be lost, and cannot be learned if you are changing into a race that would prohibit that skill.

If the intention is to state that a player cannot change to a race that is unable to have X skill, then the first bolded part wouldn't have any purpose to existing. So I'm wondering if there was a change to RT and, if so, whether some of this text is a remnant of an old rule.
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